Biology 32: Human Anatomy & Physiology Tips for greater student success
Advice from a past student. She had Prof. Newton, got a D on the first exam, received a C the first semester and has been a consistent B student in B33 now that she has made some adjustments Why someone would not succeed in Biology 32 Not realizing the study expectations and when they do realize them, they are not willing to put in the time and effort needed to correct the situation. Not having the self discipline necessary to succeed. Not being personally accountable for their schooling. Not understanding simple medical terminology. Not applying critical thinking skills during study time. Unable or unwilling to change life expectations such as cutting back work hours, missing family functions, and personal life. Not making school and study time your top priority. Not taking account for their lack of effort and putting the fault on the instructors. PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY FOR THEIR EDUCATION IS A MUST!!!
Advice from current students: #1 Be detailed in making flash cards and preparations.
Student #2 1. Come prepared. Read the materials before you come to each class. That way you will have a better understanding of what you are learning 2. Be efficient. Do not spend whole time reading or repeating things that are not important. Focus on things that the professor says important or repeats. Then, branch out study from there. 3. Use visual aids. Biology deals with lots of things in microscopic level or in even smaller level. When you watch videos from textbook websites or youtube, it will help you a lot to get ideas of what you are really studying.
Student #3 1. Flashcards are amazing for memorizing this material 2. I find that using the book as a reference/guide to material I do not understand from lecture/lab is more useful then sitting down and reading a whole chapter. 3. Study with someone, I used my little sister and she now probably knows this stuff better then me!
Student #4 Thanks for the praise. My advice may be useless but I'm happy to give it -I did my own outline for each chapter before the class lecture which really helped familiarize me with the material and develop questions. -I made notecards only to review, After making them I didn't study them too much. -Mostly, I just tried hard to stay focused and REALLY understand the material from different perspectives. As I would go through the day I would try to apply my life to what I was learning. ie, when washing my hands I would review hydrogen bonds and the properties of a base. Or I would drink coconut water and try to understand how isotonic solutions behave, etc.
Student #5 1) I try not to leave things last minute or procrastinate. 2) I ask questions whenever I'm unclear on any part of the material. 3) I study alone (group study is a great idea, but I absorb the material best in a quiet environment).
Student #6 1) read the chapters! And do chapter review questions 2) I use a dry erase board to draw out models or diagrams and explain it to family members on how it works 3) this may sound really strange but I pop quiz myself. Haha I think of how things work such as the cell and I went through the cell and all the organelles and what their function is while I am driving or cooking dinner.
Student #7 I look at my notes and textbook daily, well, almost daily. It is important to look at the notes and the text the same day of the lecture while it is still fresh in your mind. Whatever you do not understand after doing this, you should make a note and ask the instructor to clarify. Study until you know it. Do not stop short of that. I'm just not a flashcard person.