Status of Seed treatment Commercial hybrid seeds are generally treated State seed agencies supply treatment chemical in a small pouch – All may not be using it ? Seeds of Self pollinated crops are treated to the extent of 10-15% on an average Seed treatment stimated to enhance the productivity by 8-10% Concerted effort can enable to achieve this 8- 10% increase productivity with minimal cost
Strategy Maximum reach to all farmers of the targeted kharif crops through mass media, print media etc Campaign started at right time, reinforced with discussion in Kharif Conference Two rounds of Video Conference with all stakeholders Support to farmers – chemicals/bio-pesticides, seed dressing/treatment equipment, subsidy through MM Awareness, Training material – posters, films Participation of State level political executives/departments-Coordination Committees
Special Efforts during Kharif campaign Participation of all stakeholders- Industry, ICAR, Mass media etc. Advertisement in regional languages three times during pre- Kharif. Encouraged participation of experts in mass media-DD, AIR, Local press etc Carrying the message through State specific farmers programmes such as “Raithu Chaitanya Yatra” in AP, “Kisan Mahotsav” in Gujarat, Kharif “Pakwada” in Bihar, Jal Chetna Yatra in Rajastan Effectively used ATMA channel
Launching of seed treatment machine in Kota by Shri Prabhulal Saini, Minister of Agriculture and Cooperative, Govt. of Rajasthan
Farmer meeting conducted during the launching of seed treatment machine and Shri Prabhulal Saini, Minister of Agriculture and Cooperative, Govt. of Rajasthan, addressing soybean farmers at Kota
Farmers training in MP
Farmers meeting at KVK, Shivpuri
Farmer’s Training-Seed treatment Campaign
Bhajan Sandhya: Promoting Seed Treatment
SEED TREATMENT : ADVANTAGES Protects germinating seeds and seedlings against soil and seed borne pathogens/insects. Seed germination enhancement. Treated Untreated Thiamethoxam Treated soybean crop
SEED TREATMENT : ADVANTAGES Early and uniform establishment and growth Enhances nodulation in legume crop. Better than soil and foliar application. Uniform crop stand, even in adverse conditions (less/high moisture) Ground nut
UNTREATED TREATED Maize Seed rate 5 Kg./ acre Cruiser 5gm /acre water volume 10 ml /kg.seed
Pearl millet - Excellent Plant Stand & Growth in Gaucho Treated Plot UntreatedGaucho treated
Area sown (lakh ha.) UP 0.8Guj 0.51Chat 0.41 Raj 7.44Mah 25.29
Area sown (lakh ha.) UP 59.03Guj 6.93Chat 37.24Pun WB 42.86Bihar 32.38Mah 14.50
Area sown (lakh ha.) UP 8.84Guj 9.37Raj 48.79Maha 14.55
Area Sown (lakh ha.) UP 3.87 Guj 1.12Chhat 0.19Bihar 0.20 Raj 1.44Mah 3.87
Area sown (lakh ha.) UP 0.39Gujarat 2.07Chhatisgarh 0.99Bihar 0.60 Raj 9.11Mah 6.44
Area sown (lakh ha.) UP 3.63Guj 2.80Chhat 1.08Mah WBl 0.03Bihar 0.61
Area sown (lakh ha.) UP 1.04Gujarat Chhatisgarh 0.52Punjab 0.84 Rajasthan 3.06Maharashtra 3.10
Campaign during Rabi Crops selected Wheat, Gram, Mustard, Sugarcane, Sunflower, Pulses, Paddy, Potato First meeting already held on 9 th August, 2007 States are asked to convene the coordination meetings Decided to bring out posters/publicity material in association with industry Industry will have demonstration plots in association with KVKs Effective use of Mass-media and advertise in audio / video / print media
Campaign during Rabi Symbolic launching of campaign in important states by the Ministers Discuss in Rabi Conference All divisions requested to spread the word Special web pages with pictures of success stories Better coordination with ICAR Effectively involve Seed industry especially private
Our Mission is; 100% seed treatment (Do not sow without seed treatment)
Suggestions Please !