RECIPIENT: AFGHANISTAN Country Specific Project
ACTIVITY BUDGET SAIEVAC Afghanistan Country Budget Activities Programme Support Cost A. Total programme support cost for 3 yrs Transportation Office utility/communication Admin/finance staff Sationary Programme Cost (Programme activities cost divided into three years) Legislative measures
B. Strengthen enforcement of the Government legislation to protect children’s rights and to prevent violence against them b.1 - Consolidation review that indentifies gaps, and propose recommendations on national policies, legislations and practice to address violence against children. b.2 - Documented evidences of respect for the right of the child to be heard and due weight attributed to his/her within regal process (children consultation) b.3 - Document shows progress on the domestication of the UNCRC by Afghanistan b.4 - No. of new legislation amended to end all forms of violence against children in all settings, specifically prohibitions of - all forms of sexual violence and abuse
b.5 - Evidence of steps to strengthen enforcement of legislation that bans violence against children b. 6 - # of perpetrators held accountable and punished for their crimes against children by a court of law acting in the best interests of the child b.8 -Plan for implementation of and records of progress on regular in-service training on child protection for all government employees working with children – such as ministry officials, police, lawyers, judges, health professionals, teachers, institutional care-givers, public information and media specialists, export and import officials, army and border security forces, etc.
Child care standards C. Review and reinforce child care standards for institutional and support services, including referral mechanisms c.1 - Regulations and standards in place for institutions, services and facilities providing care, education and protection of children c.2 - Presence of functional monitoring system of all such institutions, services and facilities including feedback from the participating children c.3 - Training provided in case management for social workers, psychosocial counselors, doctors, nurses, police, judicial officers, caregivers, etc
c.4 -# of institutions, services and facilities adopting Code of Conduct including prohibition, prevention and rejection of all forms of violence against children, and reporting obligations. c 5 - System of supervision of the safety, well-being and development of children placed in alternative care, including regular review of the selected care arrangement
# of awareness campaigns addressing causes and consequences of early marriage, corporate punishment, sexual abuse and exploitation, trafficking and child labour. National curriculum regulations for relevant professions (such as teachers, police, child and juvenile institutional workers) include compulsory, ongoing training on prevention, identification, assessment and reporting of violence against children, and the protection and continuity of care to children
Data Collection D. Developing and implementing systematic national research and a consolidated data collection, analysis, and dissemination system to inform evidence-based effective action, mobilize resources, and assess progress achieve d. 1 - National database systems collect data at local, district and national levels on children’s births and deaths, children entering or leaving institutions, on persons convicted of violent offenses against children and other child protection issues
d.2 - # of baseline interview studies with representative groups of children, parents and other caregivers to identify the experience of children of all forms of violence d. 3 - Quantitative and qualitative data collected on duration and outcomes of judicial proceedings involving children d. 4 - # of states with which Afghanistan has agreed regional standards for data collection in order to ensure comparability of data D SAIEVAC Technical Consultation F HR Development workshop in Child Protection
Note: The total budget is USD 551,500 out of which USD 241,500 will be received from SDF and remaining USD 310,000 will be raised by local funding