Database Technologies for E-Commerce Rakesh Agrawal IBM Almaden Research Center
Outline Overview of the Pangea B2B marketplace Technology dives: Catalog integration Searching specification documents Interactive parametric search Storage & retrieval of e-commerce data Research opportunities
Pangea Architecture
Product Selection
Brand and Loyalty Creation
Features (1) Eureka: Interactive parametric search Searches based on example products Similarity search for product substitution Dynamic Content generation/presentation (on the fly from database): Catalog Hierarchy pages with product counts Side-by-Side Product Comparison Product Listings/Details Shopper groups through preference layer
Features (2) Server side Searching: Functional description search using classification Key word & Part Number Search Restriction of the search to sub-trees of the category hierarchy (pushed down to the database) Real time Price and Availability Engine: Ability to crawl, interrogate, extract price & availability data from various suppliers/distributors in real time and present them in side-by-side comparison format Easily add new distributors/suppliers Completely client side implementation to prevent blocking
Features (3) Design Worksheet (Generalized shopping cart): List of items: an item could be a specific part, alternative set of parts, specifications, other design worksheets (nesting) Completely integrated with all relevant components (search, content, price, etc.) Aggregate constraints (e.g. total price) Multiple projects saved on server Share projects with other (authorized) users Mining for suggestions
Features (4) Design data warehouse creation and maintenance Crawling technology for extracting part information from websites of various manufacturer/distributor/suppliers Data extraction from Manufacturer Spec Sheets (pdf files) Classification technology to build, merge, manage and populate category hierarchies.
Features (5) Soft content creation and maintenance Crawling to acquire articles/news/postings from various web news sources, usenet newsgroups, etc. Agents to cluster, classify, extract concepts, identify associations. Personalized news/data presentation (based on user defined profile, channels, etc.) Complete interleaving and integration with part content. Automatic generation of summary pages for manufacturers (e.g. related news articles, URLs, product categories).
Prototype Data for nearly 2 million parts, in 2000 categories Focused crawling of more than 175 manufacturers for datasheets/ application notes/manuals (160,000) 1/4 Terabyte database
Catalog Integration R. Agrawal, R. Srikant: WWW-10
Catalog Integration Problem Integrate products from new catalog into master catalog.
The Problem (cont.) After integration:
Desired Solution Automatically integrate products: little or no effort on part of user. domain independent. Problem size: Million products Thousands of categories
Model Product descriptions consist of words Products live in the leaf-level categories
Basic Algorithm Build classification model using product descriptions in master catalog. Use classification model to predict categories for products in the new catalog.
National Semiconductor Files
National Semiconductor Files with Categories
Accuracy on Pangea Data B2B Portal for electronic components: 1200 categories, 40K training documents. 500 categories with < 5 documents. Accuracy: 72% for top choice. 99.7% for top 5 choices.
Enhanced Algorithm: Intuition Use affinity information in the catalog to be integrated (new catalog): Products in same category are similar. Bias the classifier to incorporate this information. Accuracy boost depends on quality of new catalog: Use tuning set to determine amount of bias.
Algorithm Extension of the Naive-Bayes classification to incorporate affinity information
Naive Bayes Classifier Pr(C i |d) = Pr(C i )Pr(d|C i )/Pr(d) //Baye’s Rule Pr(d): same for all categories (ignore) Pr(C i ) = #docs C i / #total docs Pr(d|C i ) = P w d Pr(w|C i ) –Words occur independently (unigram model) Pr(w|C i ) = (n(C i,w)+ ) / (n(C i )+ |V|) –Maximum likelihood estimate smoothed with the Lidstone’s law of succession
Enhanced Algorithm Pr(C i |d,S) //d existed in category S = Pr(C i,d,S) / Pr(d,S) –Pr(C i,d,S) = Pr(d,S) Pr(C i |d,S) = Pr(C i )Pr(S,d|C i ) / Pr(d,S) = Pr(C i )Pr(S|C i )Pr(d| C i ) / Pr(S,d) –Assuming d, S independent given C i = Pr(S)Pr(C i |S)Pr(d| C i ) / Pr(S,d) –Pr(S|C i ) Pr(C i ) = Pr(C i |S) Pr(S) = Pr(C i |S)Pr(d|C i ) / Pr(d|S) –Pr(S,d) = Pr(S)Pr(d|S) Same as NB except Pr(C i |S) instead of Pr(C i ) –Ignore Pr(d|S) as it is same for all classes
Computing Pr(C i |S) Pr(C i |S) = |C i | (#docs in S predicted to be in C i ) w / j [1,n] |C j | (#docs in S predicted to be in C j ) w |C i | = #docs in C i in the master catalog w determines weight of the new catalog –Use a tune set of documents in the new catalog for which the correct categorization in the master catalog is known –Choose one weight for the entire new catalog or different weights for different sections
Superiority of the Enhanced Algorithm Theorem: The highest possible accuracy achievable with the enhanced algorithm is no worse than what can be achieved with the basic algorithm. Catch: The optimum value of the weight for which enhanced achieves highest accuracy is data dependent. The tune set method attempts to select a good value for weight, but there is no guarantee of success.
Empirical Evaluation Start with a real catalog M Remove n products from M to form the new catalog N In the new catalog N –Assign f*n products to the same category as M –Assign the rest to other categories as per some distribution (but remember their true category) Accuracy: Fraction of products in N assigned to their true categories
Improvement in Accuracy (Pangea)
Improvement in Accuracy (Reuters)
Improvement in Accuracy (Google.Outdoors)
Tune Set Size (Pangea)
Empirical Results
Summary Classification accuracy can be improved by factoring in the affinity information implicit in the data to be categorized. How to apply these ideas to other types of classifiers?
Searching Specification Documents R. Agrawal, R. Srikant. WWW-2002
Specfication Documents Consist of pairs, embedded in text Examples: – Data sheets for electronic parts – Classifieds
Sources of Problems Synonyms for attribute names and units. – "lb" and "pounds", but no "lbs" or "pound". Attribute names are often missing. – No "Speed", just "MHz Pentium III" – No "Memory", just "MB SDRAM" Accurate data extraction is hard, e.g. partial datasheet for Cypress CY7C225A PROM:
An end run! Use a simple regular expression extractor to get numbers Do simple data extraction to get hints, e.g. – Hint for unit: the word following the number. – Hint for attribute name: k words following the number. Use only numbers in the queries – Treat any attribute name in the query also as hint
Documents and Queries
Can it work? Yes!!!!! – Provided data is non-reflective – Reflectivity can be computed a priori for a given data set and provides estimate of expected accuracy.
Non-reflectivity in real life Non-overlapping attributes: – Memory: Mb, Disk: Gb Correlations: – Memory: Mb, Disk: Gb still fine. Clusters
Basic Idea Consider co-ordinates of a point If there is no data point at the permutations of its co-ordinates, this point is non-reflective – Only a few data points at the permutations of its co- ordinates => point is largely non-reflective Compute reflectivity as this ratio summed over all the points – Consider neighborhood of a point in the above calculation
Reflectivity D: set of m-dimensional points n: coordinates of point x h (n): number of points within distance r of n Reflections(x): permutations of n q (n): number of points in D that have at least one reflection within distance r of n Reflectivity(m,r) = 1 - 1/|D| S x c D h (n)/ q (n) Non-reflectivity = 1- Reflectivity See the paper for reflectivity of D over k-dimensional subspaces
Algorithms How to compute match score (rank) of a document for a given query? How to limit the number of documents for which the match score is computed?
Match Score of a Document Select k numbers from D yielding minimum distance between Q and D: – F(Q,D) = ( S i k =1 w(q i,n ji ) p ) 1/p Map problem to Bipartite Matching in graph G: – k source nodes: corresponding to query numbers – m target nodes: corresponding to document numbers – An edge from each source to k nearest targets. Assign weight w(q i,n j ) p to the edge (q i,n j ).
Bipartite Matching The optimum solution to the minimum weight bipartite graph matching problem matches each number in Q with a distinct number in D such that the distance score F(Q,D) is minimized. The minimum score gives the rank of the document D for the Query Q. Assuming F to be L 1 and w(q i,n j ) := |q i - n j | / |q i + e |:
Limiting the Set of Documents Similar to the score aggregation problem [Fagin, PODS 96] Proposed algorithm is an adaptation of the TA algorithm in [Fagin-Lotem-Naor, PODS 01]
Limiting the Set of Documents Make k conceptual sorted lists, one for each query term [use: documents = index(number)] Do a round robin access to the lists. For each document found, compute its distance F(D,Q) Let n i := number last looked at for query term q i Let t := ( S i k =1 w(q i, n i ) p ) 1/p Halt when t documents found whose distance [ t – t is lower bound on distance of unseen documents
Evaluation Metric Benchmark: Set of answers when attribute names are precisely known in the document and query What fraction of the top 10 "true" answers are present in the top 10 answers when attribute names are unknown in both document and query?
Accuracy Results
Reflectivity estimates accuracy Non-reflectivity closely tracked accuracy for all nine data sets Non-reflectivity arises due to clustering and correlations in real data (Randomized non- reflectivity: value obtained after permuting values in the columns)
Incorporating Hints L 1 = S w(q i,n i ) + B v(A i,H i ) – v(A i,H i ) : distance between attribute name (or unit) for q i and set of hints for n i – B: relative importance of number match vs. name/unit match
Balance between Number Match & Hint Match Weight to hints should depend on the accuracy of hints Use tune set to determine B on per dataset basis
Effectiveness of Hints Improvement in accuracy depends on how good are hints
Effectiveness of Indexing 1 million docs: – 1 sec for qsize = 5 –.03 sec for qsize=1
Summary Allows querying using only numbers or numbers + hints. End run around data extraction. Use simple extractor to generate hints. Can ascertain apriori when the technique will be effective
Future Work Integration with classic IR (key word search) – PROM speed 20 ns power 500 mW Extension to non-numeric values
Parametric Search of E-Commerce Data J. Shafer, R. Agrawal : WWW-9
Conventional Wisdom User enters search criteria into HTML form User’s query is received by web-server and submitted to a server-side database (usually as SQL) Result set is returned to user as an HTML page (or a series of pages)
Search Problem in E-Commerce Users often don’t know exactly what they are looking for –Search is a process, not a single operation –An individual query is simply a means to an end Too many/few results: try different query No universal ranking function
Essential Ideas of Eureka Incrementally fetch superset of tuples of interest in the client (e.g. all products in the product category of interest) User-interface and fast indexing structures for interactive exploration of the cached tuples
Restriction by example Ranking Fuzzy restrictions
Architecture Overview DataGroup DataColumn #1 Eureka DataPump ListRenderer DataColumn #N Servlet Database client server... HTTP JDBC
Comments Used Eureka in several situations with very positive feedback Used Eureka on datasets with 100K records with no visible deterioration in performance Performance is excellent, even in Java
Storage and Retrieval of E-Commerce Data R. Agrawal, A. Somani, Y. Xu: VLDB-2001
Typical E-Commerce Data Characteristics Nearly 2 Million components More than 2000 leaf-level categories Large number of Attributes (5000) An Experimental E-marketplace for Computer components Constantly evolving schema Sparsely populated data (about attributes/component)
Conventional horizontal representation (n-ary relation) NameMonitorHeightRechargeOutputplaybackSmooth scanProgressive Scan PAN DVD-L757 inch-Built-inDigital--- KLH DVD S-Video--No SONY S SONY S-560D----Cinema SoundYes- …………………… DB Catalogs do not support thousands of columns (DB2/Oracle limit: 1012 columns) Storage overhead of NULL values Nulls increase the index size and they sort high in DB2 B+ tree index Hard to load/update Schema evolution is expensive Querying is straightforward
Binary Representation (N 2-ary relations) Dense representation Manageability is hard because of large number of tables Schema evolution expensive Decomposition Storage Model [Copeland et al SIGMOD 85], [Khoshafian et al ICDE 87] Monet: Binary Attribute Tables [Boncz et al VLDB Journal 99] Attribute Approach for storing XML Data [Florescu et al INRIA Tech Report 99] Val 7 inch Name PAN DVD-L75 Monitor ValName KLH DVD221 Height 3.75 ValName PAN DVD-L75 Output Digital S-VideoKLH DVD221
Vertical representation (One 3-ary relation) Oid (object identifier)Key (attribute name)Val (attribute value) Objects can have large number of attributes Handles sparseness well Schema evolution is easy OidKeyVal 0‘Name’‘PAN DVD- L75’ 0‘Monitor’‘7 inch’ 0‘Recharge’‘Built-in’ 0‘Output’‘Digital’ 1‘Name’‘KLH DVD221’ 1‘Height’‘3.75’ 1‘Output’‘S-Video’ 1‘Progressiv e Scan’ ‘No’ 2‘Name’‘SONY S-7000’ ……… Implementation of SchemaSQL [LSS 99] Edge Approach for storing XML Data [FK 99]
Querying over Vertical Representation Simple query on a Horizontal scheme SELECT MONITOR FROM H WHERE OUTPUT=‘Digital’ Becomes quite complex: SELECT v1.Val FROM vtable v1, vtable v2 WHERE v1.Key = ‘Monitor’ AND v2.Key = ‘Output’ AND v2.Val = ‘Digital’ AND v1.Oid = v2.Oid Writing applications becomes much harder. What can we do ?
Solution : Query Mapping Translation layer maps relational algebraic operations on H to operations on V …Attrk…Attr2Attr1 Query Mapping Layer ValKeyOid Horizontal view (H) Vertical table (V)
Can we define a translation algebra ? Standard database view mechanism does not work attribute values become column names (need higher order views) Can the vertical representation support fast querying ? What are the new requirements from the database engines? Key Issues
Transformation Algebra Defined an algebra for transforming expressions over horizontal views into expressions over the vertical representation. Two key operators: – v2h ( Operation – Convert from vertical to horizontal k (V) = [ Oid (V)] [ i=1,k Oid,Val ( Key=‘Ai’ (V))] – h2V ( Operation – Convert from horizontal to vertical k (H) = i=1,k Oid,’Ai’Ai ( Ai ‘ ’ (V))] i=1,k Oid,’Ai’Ai ( i=1,k Ai=‘ ’ (V)) – Similar to Unfold/Fold [LSS 99],Gather/Scatter [STA 98]
Implementation Strategies VerticalSQL – Uses only SQL-92 level capabilities VerticalUDF – Exploits User Defined Functions and Table Functions – Binary – 2-ary representation with one relation per attribute (using only SQL-92 transforms) SchemaSQL – Addresses a more general problem – Performed 2-3X worse than Vertical representation because of temporary tables
Performance: Experimental setup 600 MHz dual-processor Intel Pentium machine 512 MB RAM Windows NT 4.0 Database IBM DB2 UDB 7.1 Two 30GB IDE Drives Buffer Pool Size – 50 MB All numbers reported are cold numbers Synthetic data – 200 X 100K & =10% 200 columns, 100K rows and non-null density = 10%
Clustering by Key outperformed clustering by Oid Clustering by Key outperformed clustering by Oid density = 10%, 1000 cols x 20K rows %1%5% Join selectivity Execution time (seconds) VerticalSQL_oid VerticalSQL_key Join
Projection of 10 columns VerticalSQL comparable to Binary and outperforms Horizontal x100K400x50K800x25K1000x20K Table (#colsx #rows) Execution time (seconds) density = 10% HorizontalSQL VerticalSQL Binary
VerticalUDF is the best approach x100K400x50K800x25K1000x20K Table (#cols x #rows) Execution time (seconds) density = 10% VerticalUDF VerticalSQL Binary Projection of 10 columns
Wish List from Database Engines – VerticalUDF approach showed need for – Enhanced table functions – First class treatment of table functions – Native support for v2h and h2v operations – Partial indices
Summary Flexibility ++Manageability Vertical (w/ Mapping) Horizontal - - Binary (w/ Mapping) + Performance Querying+ + +
Semiautomatic Catalog Creation
Improving the Catalog Hierarchy Identify sets of nodes (or single "kitchen sink" node) for re-organization. Cluster the set of nodes, and compare the resulting hierarchy with the original. Identify nodes that fit better elsewhere in the hierarchy. Metrics: classification accuracy, tightness of cluster.
Integration of Real Time Operational Data
Privacy Preserving Data Mining Insight: Preserve privacy at the individual level, while still building accurate data mining models at the aggregate level. Add random noise to individual values to protect privacy. Can dramatically change distribution of values. EM algorithm to estimate original distribution of values given randomized values + randomization function. Estimate only accurate over thousands of values => preserves privacy. Algorithms for building classification models and discovering association rules on top of privacy-preserved data with only small loss of accuracy. 50 | 40K |...30 | 70K |... Randomizer Reconstruct distribution of Age Reconstruct distribution of Salary Data Mining Algorithms Data Mining Model 65 | 20K |...25 | 60K |... Alice’s age Alice’s salary Bob’s age 30 become s 65 (30+35)
Seems to work well!
Accuracy vs. Privacy
Summary E-Commerce is a rich application domain for database technology Research opportunities abound