Evolution of the Computer Land marks of the Computer History
Evolution of the Computer Very simple society. Simple Calculations and transactions
Evolution of the Computer Invention of Abacus to do calculations more vedio
Evolution of the Computer Blaise Pascal’s Adding Machine
Gottfried Wilhelm Von Leibniz Made improvements to the Pascal’s machine. It was possible to divide and multiply also
The loom manufactured during the period of industrialization
Evolution of the Computer Charles Babbage’s Analytical Engine Punched Card
Evolution of the Computer Hermon Hollerith’s Machine
Evolution of the Computer ENIAC Computer (The First Electronic Digital Computer)
IBM 650
IBM 702
Evolution of the Computer - Used Vacuum Tubes - Lot of heat - more space to place - Less Speed - One job at a time - Job scheduled Manually
The First transistor
Evolution of the Computer - Used Transistors -J-Job scheduled Automatically
The First IC
Evolution of the Computer - Used Integrated Circuits (IC) -T-Time sharing (more than one jobs at a time)
Evolution of the Computer sed Microchips -D-Distributed system More
Evolution of the Computer - Artificial Intelligence (Robot Technology) -N-Natural voice to input data
GENERATIONS OF COMPUTERS FIRST (early 50's) SECOND (late 50's) THIRD (60's) FOURTH (70's +) Technologyvacuum tubesTransistors Integrated circuits microchips (LSI, VLSI) Relative speed1100 1,000, Relative cost RAM capacity (bytes) 1,000-8,0004,000-64,000 32,000- 4,000,000 32,000, External storage cardsTapemagnetic disksmass storage Operating System Single user; jobs scheduled manually Single user; jobs scheduled automatically Multiple users; time- sharing Multiple users; distributed systems