Ordinal Numbers
Table of Ordinal Numbers Ordinal Numbers from 1 through 1,000,000 1stfirst11theleventh21sttwenty-first31stthirty-first 2ndsecond12thtwelfth22ndtwenty-second40thfortieth 3rdthird13ththirteenth23rdtwenty-third50thfiftieth 4thfourth14thfourteenth24thtwenty-fourth60thsixtieth 5thfifth15thfifteenth25thtwenty-fifth70thseventieth 6thsixth16thsixteenth26thtwenty-sixth80theightieth 7thseventh17thseventeenth27thtwenty-seventh90thninetieth 8theighth18theighteenth28thtwenty-eighth100thone hundredth 9thninth19thnineteenth29thtwenty-ninth1,000thone thousandth 10thtenth20thtwentieth30ththirtieth1,000,000thone millionth
Form: Spelling of Ordinal Numbers n Just add th to the cardinal number: n four - fourth n eleven - eleventh Exceptions: n one - first n two - second n three - third n five - fifth n eight - eighth n nine - ninth n twelve - twelfth
Figures n When expressed as figures, the last two letters of the written word are added to the ordinal number: n first = 1st n second = 2nd n third = 3rd n fourth = 4th n twenty-sixth = 26th n hundred and first = 101st
Activity 1.
Activity 2.
Activity 3.