Fostering an enabling policy environment for youth development: UNESCO’s response Section for Youth, Sport and Physical Education Division for Social Science Research and Policy Sector for Social and Human Sciences United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
Create an enabling policy environment in which youth could strive: an environment that fully protects their rights, that is conducive to their development, that adequately prepares them for responsible citizenship and enables their meaningful and effective participation in decision-making Goal: have have distinctive needs, concerns and expectations are are an indispensable resource for development are are partners, not a target group YOUTH Basic assumptions: Fostering an enabling policy environment for youth development: the Strategy on Youth of the UNESCO Social and Human Sciences’ Sector (SHS)
Guiding principles A rights-based approach and thorough contextual analysis 1 Non-discrimination and gender equality 2 Focus on disadvantaged or marginalised youth and youth in emergency and transition contexts 3 Participation of youth in the development of policies and programs that affect them 4 Global partnerships involving the concerned stakeholders at all levels 5
Regional priorities Global objectives Strengthen knowledge building and management and promote research on youth issues Foster the development of policies and frameworks to address youth issues with the full participation of youth Promote youth participation in decision-making, youth civic engagement and social inclusion Objectives
Structuring our action until 2013: the development of the UNESCO SHS Strategy on Youth Knowledge building & management Policy development & policy dialogue Youth participation, civic engagement & social inclusion Knowledge building & management Youth participation, civic engagement & social inclusion Policy development & policy dialogue Knowledge building & management Youth participation, civic engagement & social inclusion Policy development & policy dialogue Knowledge building & management Youth participation, civic engagement & social inclusion Regional priorities A participatory process with feedback from and cooperation with: YOUTH Governments, local authorities, municipalities International & regional IGOs & NGOs Academic institutions, research networks UNESCO Chairs, clubs, centres Private sector, media etc UN System & Bretton Woods institutions
Key areas of action Global objective 1 Strengthen knowledge building and management and promote research on youth issues - Knowledge-building and management - Cooperation on policy-oriented research in the field of youth Global objective 2 Foster the development of policies and frameworks to address youth issues - National Youth Policy Development - Multi-stakeholders’ Policy dialogue Global objective 3 Promote youth participation in decision- making, youth civic engagement and social inclusion - Youth participation mechanisms and networks (UNESCO Youth Forum, consolidation of networks) - Youth civic engagement and social inclusion
Global Youth Strategy: finalisation process UNESCO SHS Global Strategy on Youth ( ) Multi-stakeholders’ Regional consultations Feedback from youth (UNESCO Youth Forum 2009, 3 rd UNESCO Asian Youth Forum, regional consultations)
Addressing UNESCO’s priority for Africa: the finalization of the UNESCO SHS Strategy on African Youth -Revitalization of the Panafrican Youth Union - Establishment or review of democratic, representative & inclusive National Youth Councils -Fund for young social entrepreneurs -Establishment of youth information centers managed by youth organizations -Promote an inclusive & democratic representation of youth concerns at continental & national level -Support youth-led action to promote civic engagement & social inclusion Youth participation, civic engagement & social inclusion -Policy development & review in line with the provisions of the African Youth Charter - “Policy-dialogue workshops” -Advocacy initiatives for the ratification & the implementation of the African Youth Charter -Assist Member-States in the development of National Policies to address youth issues with the participation of youth -Promote the ratification & implementation of the African Youth Charter Policy development & policy dialogue -2 Reports on the state of African Youth ( African Youth Charter; MDGs) -African youth E-observatory & online portal on the African Youth Charter -Policy papers & briefs - Twining of research centers & promotion of academic research & cooperation in the field of youth -Ensure the compilation & management of information & knowledge on African youth -Encourage policy-oriented research on issues affecting African Youth Knowledge building & management Indicative actionRegional Objectives Global objectives (same as Global Strategy) A participatory process involving the African Group at UNESCO, youth, policy-makers, academia, the UN System, the African Union & key regional partners, IGOs and NGOs, private sector active on youth in the region!
Partners YOUTH: National Youth Councils, international, regional and sub-regional youth networks and organisations, community-based and national youth organisations and NGOs Private sector, media etc Member – States governments, local authorities, municipalities & cities UN System&Bretton Woods institutions Key international and regional IGOs and NGOs Academic institutions, universities, research networks and groups UNESCO networks (Chairs, clubs, centres)
Thinking globally…. What is the impact of the global crisis on youth? Is it a one-time phenomenon or does it builds on ongoing challenges? What are your ideas for youth organizations, local communities, researchers and policy makers to work together to effectively address youth issues at policy and programming level? Do you consider that policy makers, UN agencies and NGOs have sufficient knowledge available on youth issues? If not, what are the gaps in knowledge and research, what needs to be done to bridge them? In your opinion, what is the role of youth organisations in enabling youth participation, civic engagement and social inclusion? Which are the opportunities and challenges related to this?
…and regionally …should we focus? Which are the key areas of interest to youth in your region that should be considered in the above framework of action? (research scope, policy issues etc). …examples of concrete action at regional level that you would have to share with and suggest to us? WHERE… … can we better work together? Who are the key partners in the region and which are the best ways to promote a sustainable cooperation among them? HOW…. WHAT ….
Thank you and keep in touch!