QUARTERLY REPORT 1 st Quarter 2012/13 April – June 2012 BRANCH : Women’s Empowerment and Gender Equality UNIT: Women’s Empowerment and gender Equality 8/14/2015 1
PROGRAMME OBJECTIVE 2 To facilitate and coordinate women’s empowerment and gender equality through mainstreaming in all government’s policies, programmes and governance processes as well as advocating, lobbying and awareness raising To monitor compliance and conduct impact assessments on women’s empowerment and gender equality as well as compile reports to meet national, regional, continental and international commitments To provide an integrated approach for institutional support and capacity development 8/14/2015
3 Strategic Objective Performance Indicator/output 2012/13 Quarter 1 Target Responsible Manager Progress (Achieved, Partially Achieved or Not Achieved) Reason for Variances (partially or not achieved) Proposed Corrective Actions To facilitate and coordinate women’s empowerment and gender equality through mainstreaming in all government’s policies programmes and governance processes as well as advocating lobbying and awareness raising Number of departments and provinces work shopped and supported on implementation of National Policy on WEGE National policy finalised, consulted and submitted to cabinet CD Advocacy & Mainstreaming Partially achieved Clusters are yet to be consulted Consultation will be done during Q2 Draft National Gender Mainstreaming Strategy Gender Mainstreaming Strategy consulted and approved CD Advocacy and Mainstreaming Achieved New Growth Path Engendered Advocacy programme on engendering the New Growth Path nationally Advocate for 50% allocation of Job Fund for women CD Advocacy and Mainstreaming Partially Achieved Closing date was 31 May 2012 and awarding of funds has not taken place Follow up with Job fund in 2 nd Quarter 8/14/2015
4 Strategic Objective Performance Indicator/output 2012/13 Quarter 1 Target Responsible Manager Progress (Achieved, Partially Achieved or Not Achieved) Reason for Variances (partially or not achieved) Proposed Corrective Actions To facilitate and coordinate women’s empowermen t and gender equality through mainstreamin g in al government’s policies programmes and governance processes as well as advocating lobbying and awareness raising Number of programmes on rural women’s development coordinated 1 Programme on strategy for rural women’s development coordinated CD Advocacy and Mainstreaming Achieved Number of Advocacy and Social Campaigns coordinated 1 Advocacy Campaign on increasing women’s economic opportunities coordinated CD Advocacy and Mainstreaming Achieved 8/14/2015
5 Strategic Objective Performance Indicator/outpu t 2012/13 Quarter 1 Target Responsible Manager Progress (Achieved, Partially Achieved or Not Achieved) Reason for Variances (partially or not achieved) Proposed Corrective Actions To monitor compliance and conduct impact assessments on women’s empowermen t and gender equality as well as compile reports to meet national, regional, continental and international commitments Number of national departments monitored on WEGE Monitoring tool with gender responsive indicators developed 3 national departments work- shopped and monitored on gender responsiven ess CD: Monitoring and Evaluation Partially achieved Not achieved Although draft diagnostic and M&E framework drafted and validation workshop was convened, strategy is not yet completed and indicators not yet identified. Consequently monitoring tool not developed. One M&E meeting for GFPs (national and provincial) held where rapid assessment questionnaire shared so that interim reporting framework created Finalise strategy for M&E, Framework and identify indicators Develop a tool that can be implemented despite no funding for IT system for capturing data at current stage 8/14/2015
6 Strategic Objective Performance Indicator/output 2012/13 Quarter 1 Target Responsible Manager Progress (Achieved, Partially Achieved or Not Achieved) Reason for Variances (partially or not achieved) Proposed Corrective Actions To monitor compliance and conduct impact assessments on women’s empowerme nt and gender equality as well as compile reports to meet national, regional, continental and international commitment s Number of provinces gender audited Implementat ion of gender audit tool across four provinces(Fr ee State, Limpopo, KZN and Eastern Cape) CD: Monitoring and Evaluation Partially Achieved KZN,EC, FS) Three provinces audited and reports produced. Limpopo is the only province in which the audit was not undertaken. Audit reports also available for DoH (national and provincial audits) Report available on Harmful Traditional practices in EC developed Pursue that Limpopo can actually undertake this task. 8/14/2015
7 Strategic Objective Performance Indicator/output 2012/13 Quarter 1 Target Responsible Manager Progress (Achieved, Partially Achieved or Not Achieved) Reason for Variances (partially or not achieved) Proposed Corrective Actions To monitor compliance and conduct impact assessment s on women’s empowerme nt and gender equality as well as compile reports to meet national, regional, continental and international commitment s Number of databases established and monitored 1 database of women in construction in provinces 1 database on women on the 15 SETA Boards CD: Monitoring and Evaluation Partially Achieved Achieved SETA boards database established Databases initiated for provincial levels on women in construction, tourism, women farmers. Three provinces (Gauteng, FS and NW) have begun to submit information while the other 6 remaining provinces are working on their inputs. Ongoing collaboration with provinces and national institutions on database. Working with SAWIMA on database on women in mining. 8/14/2015
8 Strategic Objective Performance Indicator/output 2012/13 Quarter 1 Target Responsible Manager Progress (Achieved, Partially Achieved or Not Achieved) Reason for Variances (partially or not achieved) Proposed Corrective Actions To monitor compliance and conduct impact assessments on women’s empowerment and gender equality as well as compile reports to meet national, regional, continental and international commitments Number of provincial monitoring visits to women’s projects, including green economy projects and case studies documented and published 3 monitoring visit in Gauteng, North West and KZN CD: Monitoring and Evaluation Partially Achieved Only able to execute provincial visits in the Gauteng province No monitoring tool developed yet Work with provinces to accelerate monitoring visits Also expedite monitoring tool development 8/14/2015
9 Strategic Objective Performance Indicator/output 2012/13 Quarter 1 Target Responsible Manager Progress (Achieved, Partially Achieved or Not Achieved) Reason for Variances (partially or not achieved) Proposed Corrective Actions To monitor compliance and conduct impact assessments on women’s empowerme nt and gender equality as well as compile reports to meet national, regional, continental and international commitment s Number of reports on compliance to regional, continental and international commitments developed and submitted to Cabinet and /or Multilateral bodies as per timeframe and request 1 Report on SADC Monitoring tool to SADC 1 Report on participati on at the 3 rd NAM Ministerial meeting submitted to Cabinet 1 report on the participati on in the 56 th Session of the UN CSW submitted to Cabinet CD: Monitoring and Evaluation Achieved for current reporting period. Next report is due in 2013 Achieved Drafted report On participation in UNSCW 56 th Session Deposition of protocol ratification is slow. Forwarded letter for proof of ratification of SADC protocol by Parliament deposition of SADC Protocol to the Speaker of the National Assembly Fast tracking the deposition in collaboration with DIRCO – using minutes of NA which highlights ratification by NA. Report to be submitted to Cabinet 8/14/2015
10 Strategic Objective Performance Indicator/output 2012/13 Quarter 1 Target Responsible Manager Progress (Achieved, Partially Achieved or Not Achieved) Reason for Variances (partially or not achieved) Proposed Corrective Actions To monitor compliance and conduct impact assessments on women’s empowermen t and gender equality as well as compile reports to meet national, regional, continental and international commitments Number of reports on compliance to national commitments developed and submitted to Cabinet 1 report on representatio n of women in decision making positions in SMS levels in government 1 assessment report on impact of training programme on gender mainstreamin g in Public Service CD: Monitoring and Evaluation Not achieved Unable to implement this due to lack of sufficient human capacity Initiate collaboration with DPSA to determine how this assessment can be undertaken effectively given the constraints Initiated networking process with CIDA and PALAMA for a joint meeting on the impact of training programme. Engaging on follow- up processes. Possibility of including within the CIDA Project closure process. 8/14/2015
11 Strategic Objective Performance Indicator/ Output 2012/13 Q1 Target Responsible Manager Progress (Achieved, Partially Achieved or Not Achieved Reason for Variances (partially or not achieved) Proposed Corrective Actions To provide an integrated approach for institutional support and capacity building Capacity building and institutional support programmes facilitated and coordinated Report on Capacity Development needs for gender mainstreaming and responsive budgeting at national level CD: Institutional Support and capacity development Achieved Strategy for mainstreaming gender considerations in integrated public service delivery coordinated Capacity building framework for mainstreaming of gender considerations into all government programmes finalised CD: Institutional Support and capacity development Partially Achieved Finalized but needs to be Approved Send via submission for approval Institutional Framework developed Draft Institutional Framework consulted nationally CD: Institutional Support and capacity development Achieved
12 Strategic Objective Performance Indicator/ Output 2012/13 Q1 Target Responsible Manager Progress (Achieved, Partially Achieved or Not Achieved Reason for Variances (partially or not achieved Proposed Corrective Actions To provide an integrated approach for institutional support and capacity building Gender Machineries convened National Gender Machinery Convened CD: Institutional Support and capacity development Achieved Institutional support and capacity building to meet international and regional obligations facilitated 2 Provincial green economy empowerment initiatives coordinated and facilitated CD: Institutional Support and capacity development Achieved Integrated institutional mechanisms for empowerme nt of young women facilitated Finalisation of relevant MOUs facilitated CD: Institutional Support and capacity development Achieved
Developed joint programmes with the DTI on the implementation of the International Year of Cooperatives Conducted Social Advocacy interventions and donations to families of GBV fatalities in Mamelodi and Atteridgeville Incorporated inputs from UNDP, DRDLR, CRR and RPD Concept document on Women’s month activities Chaired the task team meeting with techno girls, education and unicef Presentation to EC Provincial Equity Participated in the Tokologo municipality (FS)– Cogta green economy initiative –waste to wealth as part of the clean cities initiative NGM government focal points consultation held Report of the women and youth African Diaspora conference Advocacy campaign on the Traditional Courts Bill for women’s rights Participated in a meeting with UN Women on the Gender Responsive Budgeting, and Women in Informal Cross Border Trade Participate in the Women in Agriculture and Rural Development (WARD) AGM 8/14/ MAIN ACHIEVEMENTS
8/14/ MAIN ACHIEVEMENTS Developed and finalised National Policy for WEGE. Consulted with four DG clusters as follows: - Economic Sectors and Employment : 04 April G&A :12 April Social DG Cluster:18 April JCPS cluster:8 May Social Cluster :13 June G&A Working Group:21 June 2012 Gender Audits completed in KZN, EC and FS. Audit reports available. Audit report available for National DoH, and report on 9 provincial health departments Report on delegation participation in 56 th Session of CSW developed Able to visit several women’s projects in Gauteng province. Report to be finalised Establishment of databases especially women on SETA boards and in mining
SUPPLIMENTARY PROJECTS (Activities) 15 Supported the Research Indaba Participated in the Women’s Monument Workshop organised by the Gauteng Dept of Sports, Arts, Culture and Recreation and City of Tshwane Participate in the Rio+20 conference on Sustainable Development 8/14/2015
SUPPLIMENTARY PROJECTS 168/14/2015 Supporting the Secretariat for the National Council against GBV especially on issues of development partners /donor funding as follows: - Participated in the Joint Gender Fund workshop on May 2012 on GVB Funding; - Presented on poverty-HIV-gender issues to the Joint Gender Fund strategic meeting - Participated in joint UNFPA/UNICEF/DWCPD meeting on GBV funding on 07 May Presented on WEGE policy to JCPS DG Cluster on 08 May Participated in Meeting with GBV Partners (DFID/UNICEF/UNFPA/DWCPD/Save the Children Fund/CDC) on 22 May 2012 on programme concept for funding on GBV
BRANCH CHALLENGES REQUIRING INTERVENTION 17 Lack of capacity both warm bodies and requisite skills to undertake M&E / develop M&E systems and other unit work Lack of funding to effectively implement operational plan 8/14/2015
BUDGET REPORT: CD-M&E ItemBudget ExpenditureBalance COE Goods and Services Transfers000 Capital TOTAL:
END 8/14/201519