ORGAN TRANSPLANTS Basic Facts and Organizations that Support Organ Transplantation
BASIC FACTS No age limits Under 18 requires parent or guardian consent To donate, indicate on driver’s license and carry donor card Assure family members know desire to be a donor Donation does not disfigure body or interfere with funeral All costs paid by recipient: insurance, Medicare, or Medicaid
BASIC FACTS continued Organs: Heart, kidneys, pancreas, lungs, liver, and intestines Tissues: Cornea, skin, bone marrow, heart valves, and connective tissue Selling organs is illegal Why?
FACTS continued Cornea is the most transplanted tissue It is better to have a donor the same race because they are more genetically alike, but same race is not mandatory Medical necessity is the first criteria considered to determine transplant candidacy
NATIONAL DONOR NETWORK Patients on list matched by criteria: 1. Blood and tissue typing 2. Medical urgency 3. Time on the waiting list 4. Geographical location
ORGAN PROCUREMENT ORGANIZATIONS Evaluate potential donors Discuss donation with family members Arrange for surgical removal of donated organs
BIOETHICAL ISSUES Ethics of presumed consent In other countries, organs are donated regardless if they have a donor card or not Organ donations from prisoners and convicted criminals Financial incentives for organ donation Assessment for transplant candidacy American citizen? Lottery system: good or bad idea Preferred status for organ donors