The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 314 One evening in the spring of 2008 a young man named Dan, who had lived in Chicago for several years, and his friend Thomas, who was a
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 315 college student in Chicago, were on their way to visit the pastor of a church in the Chicago area who Thomas had met on the airplane when he went back to Los Angeles for his spring break a few weeks earlier. When the
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 316 pastor from Chicago introduced himself to Thomas on the airplane, he told Thomas that he could call him Pastor Ron. (Dan, Thomas, and Pastor Ron are people who are real for the
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 317 purposes of this story but who are not real in real life). When Dan and Thomas got to Pastor Ron's church they went to a side door that Pastor Ron had told them would be open and they purposes of this story but who are not real in real life). When Dan and Thomas got to Pastor Ron's church they went to a side door that Pastor Ron had told them would be open and they
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 318 found his office without any trouble. After Thomas introduced Dan to Pastor Ron they all took their seats. Thomas started out by telling Pastor Ron that he enjoyed the conversation that they had on the airplane
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 319 during their flight to Los Angeles (Pastor Ron had gone to Los Angeles to attend the yearly annual meeting of his church). Thomas told Pastor Ron that he liked very much
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 320 Pastor Ron's ideas about spiritual things and that he had told some other people, including Dan, what he and Pastor Ron had talked about on the airplane.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 321 Upon hearing this Pastor Ron said, "thank you very much, I really appreciate that. Thomas, on the phone you said that you and Dan had some other questions about spiritual things that you guys
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 322 have been discussing recently. If you or Dan could start out by telling me some of the things that you guys have been discussing recently, I'd be glad to give you any insights that I might have when you are done."
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 323 "That sounds good", said Thomas. "Dan, would you like to go ahead and start out?" "Sure", said Dan, "Pastor Ron, a couple of weeks ago Thomas told me about the "That sounds good", said Thomas. "Dan, would you like to go ahead and start out?" "Sure", said Dan, "Pastor Ron, a couple of weeks ago Thomas told me about the
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 324 conversation that he had with you on the airplane. He said that he had asked you if you could explain to him how people are able to do apparently supernatural things such as speaking in
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 325 tongues in a church meeting (speaking in a language that a person has never learned). You told Thomas you believe that we ourselves might be the mechanism for apparently supernatural phenomenon such as when people speak
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 326 in tongues at a church meeting or when a sick person is delirious and they seem to be speaking to someone who is not in the room. You told Thomas you believe that every person
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 327 on earth communicates subconsciously with each other by exchanging spiritual energy through the Collective Subconscious."
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 328 Collective Subconscious of the Group Group Member #1 Group Member #2 Group Member #3
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 329 "Thomas told me you believe it is possible that when this type of spiritual event occurs someone at a meeting in their office in Chicago might be communicating subconsciously (through the Collective Subconscious)
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 330 with a person who is speaking in tongues in a church meeting in another city. The person in Chicago might be providing feelings of comfort to the person who is speaking in tongues.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 331 Another person who is in Eastern Europe might also be communicating subconsciously with the same person in the church meeting who is speaking in tongues. This other person might be providing the
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 332 foreign language component that is being used in this spiritual event. You told Thomas you believe that there might be several people from different parts of the world participating in the spiritual event with none of
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 333 them being consciously aware of their involvement in what is taking place. You also told him you think that something similar might be happening in the Collective Subconscious when a person is sick or delirious and where
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 334 they appear to be speaking to someone who is not in the room. They may actually be talking to someone who is trying to comfort them through the Collective Subconscious."
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 335 The illustration below shows how an individual in need of spiritual assistance (in this case speaking in tongues) might be able to receive spiritual comfort from several different people who each contribute a part of the spiritual comfort being provided but where none of the people is conscious of the spiritual assistance that they are providing. The illustration below shows how an individual in need of spiritual assistance (in this case speaking in tongues) might be able to receive spiritual comfort from several different people who each contribute a part of the spiritual comfort being provided but where none of the people is conscious of the spiritual assistance that they are providing. Group Member #2 (Provides Comfort) Group Member #2 (Provides Comfort) Individual in Need of Spiritual Assistance Individual in Need of Spiritual Assistance Group Member #1 (Provides Knowledge) Group Member #1 (Provides Knowledge) Group Member #3 (Provides the Interpretation) Group Member #3 (Provides the Interpretation) Group Member #4 (Provides the Foreign Language) Group Member #4 (Provides the Foreign Language)
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 336 "At this point", continued Dan, "Thomas told you he knew that some people believe that when we die our souls remain in the Collective Subconscious and perform tasks such as helping people who are still living when they
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 337 take part in spiritual events such as the ones that you and him had been discussing. He told you he thought this would be a very cold and a very limited sort of an afterlife. In answer to his comment, you explained to
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 338 Thomas that spiritual energy travels between us and other people so quickly that we are not consciously aware of it. For this reason, it seems to us that the spiritual world is limited and non-fulfilling because we can only sense,
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 339 or can only see, the spiritual world in a very limited sort of a way. You told Thomas you believe that the spiritual things below the surface that we cannot see are probably very rich and very fulfilling."
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 340 "Pastor Ron", continued Dan, "Thomas told me that he also talked to you on the airplane about his friend Jeffrey who is spiritually and psychologically vulnerable. When Thomas and I talk about people such as Jeffrey
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 341 who are spiritually and psychologically vulnerable, we sometimes refer to them as spiritual slaves. Spiritual slaves have had their spiritual energy unfairly taken away from them by other people.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 342 The ones who steal their spiritual energy might do this by saying something unfair about them or doing something unfair to them and then denying that they have done anything wrong. On his first night
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 343 back in Los Angeles when Thomas was on his spring break, he had dinner with his friend Jeffrey. Thomas had some extra time before he was going to meet Jeffrey so he went online with his computer and he did an
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 344 online video chat session with a psychic in India named Kala. Thomas told Kala about his spiritually and psychologically vulnerable friend Jeffrey and he also told her your ideas about the afterlife. After hearing
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 345 Thomas speak about these things Kala told Thomas that she liked very much your (Pastor Ron's) ideas about the afterlife. But she told Thomas she thinks that there are a lot of pastors and other church people in our country
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 346 who would challenge the idea that there might be an afterlife where there is no Hell. Kala told Thomas that it is very difficult for people such as Jeffrey who are spiritual slaves to break free of their spiritual bondage.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 347 One reason it is very difficult for them to break free of their spiritual bondage is that the people who have made them into their spiritual slaves do not want to lose the extra spiritual energy that they receive when spiritual slaves
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 348 are forced to give some of their spiritual energy to the other members of the group. Kala also said that there is a reason why many pastors and other church people continue holding on
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 349 to the idea that there is a Hell. She thinks that they know that the myth of a physical place called Hell is not real, but they also know that the spiritual slaves who have been forced to give up some of their spiritual energy
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 350 for the benefit of the group are living in a type of living Hell where they do not have the amounts of spiritual energy that are necessary to compete in this world. Kala knows that it is wrong and very unfair to say that all
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 351 church people believe that spiritual slavery is ok, but she thinks that there are a lot of people in the church today who feel that the only way to keep the myth of Hell alive is by continuing to force
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 352 spiritual slaves to live in a type of living Hell where they must give up some of their spiritual energy for the benefit of the group."
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 353 Dan thought for a moment and then continued, "last week I decided to go online with my computer and see if I could do an online video chat session with Kala (the psychic in India who Thomas had talked to).
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 354 I was lucky and I was able to reach Kala within a couple of minutes. The first thing I told Kala was that Jeffrey is not Thomas' only friend who is spiritually and psychologically vulnerable.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 355 I am also a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person. Kala told me a lot of the same things that she had told Thomas but at the end of our online video chat session she said that she wanted me to remember that I might
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 356 someday meet a church person who tries to make me feel guilty for my lack of faith in the religious myths. She said that I might be confused about why this makes me feel uneasy considering the fact that I do not really believe in
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 357 the myths of Heaven and Hell. In these situations, she said that she thinks I might be confused because while the church person is saying to my face (saying to me consciously) that they believe in the myth of
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 358 Heaven and Hell and that they do not believe that people exchange spiritual energy with each other through the Collective Subconscious, Kala believes that their subconscious mind is communicating to my
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 359 subconscious mind that they know that the myth of Heaven and Hell is not real, but that they are convinced that people actually do exchange spiritual energy with other people through the Collective Subconscious.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 360 This individual knows that I get confused when I talk to people like them. Kala believes that while I am talking to this person my conscious mind is trying to tell my subconscious mind
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 361 that this person believes in God but does not believe in spiritual energy transfers through the Collective Subconscious. At the same time my subconscious mind is trying to tell my conscious mind that the subconscious
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 362 vibrations that it is picking up from the church person indicate that the reverse is actually true. Kala said she hoped that with a conscious insight into the situation, in the future when I meet a
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 363 person who says one thing to my face (to my conscious mind) and says something else to my subconscious mind, I will not feel the conflict that we all feel when our conscious minds and our subconscious minds are
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 364 not in agreement (or not in alignment)." Dan noticed that Pastor Ron had a slight smile on his face at this point so he asked Pastor Ron if he had any comments about Dan's conversation with Kala. not in agreement (or not in alignment)." Dan noticed that Pastor Ron had a slight smile on his face at this point so he asked Pastor Ron if he had any comments about Dan's conversation with Kala.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 365 Pastor Ron thought for a moment and then said, "we don't see it so much these days but in the past there were pastors who would get up and preach in a very loud and frightening manner about how everyone
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 366 who was in the room was going to Hell unless they repented their sins. When they did this there would be people in the audience who would start to get very nervous. Many of these people believed that they
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 367 were nervous because the pastor was right and that they were going to go to Hell if they did not repent their sins that night. Dan, due to the advancements that have been made in science over the past 100 years it has become very
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 368 difficult for churches to keep the myths of Heaven and Hell alive. Many pastors have used the technique that Kala described to make people believe that Hell must really exist. They would talk in a booming and scary voice
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 369 about Hell and would make many people in the audience get very nervous. The pastor was actually making people feel conflict and confusion because he was saying to them consciously in a very convincing manner that he
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 370 definitely believed that Hell existed while his subconscious mind was telling the subconscious minds of the people in the audience that he did not really believe that Hell existed. This would create
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 371 a conflict between the conscious minds and the subconscious minds of the people in the audience and it would make them think that the only way they would be able to clear up the conflict would be to repent their sins."
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 372 "Please go ahead and continue, Dan", said Pastor Ron. "Pastor Ron", said Dan, "my online video chat session with Kala last week took place right before I was going "Please go ahead and continue, Dan", said Pastor Ron. "Pastor Ron", said Dan, "my online video chat session with Kala last week took place right before I was going
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 373 to meet Thomas for dinner. When I told Thomas what Kala and I had talked about he said that he liked Kala's ideas very much, but he thought that there was one more thing that I should consider. Thomas said
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 374 that in the same way that a church person might be able to throw your conscious mind and your subconscious mind out of alignment by trying to make you feel guilty for not believing in religious myths
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 375 that they don't believe in themselves, another type of person might try to throw your conscious mind and your subconscious mind out of alignment in a different way. This person (who might be a church person or who
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 376 might not be a church person) will let you know in a subtle way, such as possibly rolling their eyes or maybe making a muted chuckling noise while you are talking to them, that they are going to take something that you have
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 377 just said to them about yourself, and they are then going to twist (or spin) it around to take on a very negative interpretation that you never intended, and then they are going to tell other people the false story
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 378 (or the lie) about you that they have created. This person knows that while you are talking to them your conscious mind is telling your subconscious mind that you are afraid they are going to tell other people a lie about
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 379 you and that at the same time your subconscious mind will be telling your conscious mind that the subconscious vibrations that it is picking up from this person indicate that not only will this person tell a lie about you directly to other
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 380 people but also that those people who they tell the lie to will cause you further damage by subconsciously transmitting the lie that they have heard about you to other people by way of the Collective Subconscious."
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 381 In a group that has seven members, Group Member #1 has told a lie about a person named Pete to Group Member #2 and Group Member #3 (see below). In the illustration that follows this one, Group Member #2 and Group Member #3 subconsciously communicate the lie that they heard about Pete to other people through the Collective Subconscious. Group Member #1 (The liar who told the lie about Pete) Group Member #2 (Heard the lie about Pete and believes it is true) Group Member #3 (Heard the lie about Pete and believes it is true)
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 382 Group Member #2 (Heard the lie about Pete and believes it is true) Group Member #4 (Subconsciously heard the lie & believes it is true) Group Member #5 (Subconsciously heard the lie & believes it is true) Group Member 3 (Heard the lie about Pete and believes it is true) Group Member #6 (Subconsciously heard the lie & believes it is true) Group Member #7 (Subconsciously heard the lie & believes it is true)
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 383 "Thomas believes that when you get into a situation such as this, you might at a deep subconscious level start to panic about how you are going to be able to defend yourself against the lie
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 384 about you that you know is going to be told (both consciously and subconsciously) to so many people. Even if you were able to find all of the people who heard the lie directly from the
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 385 liar and if you were able to tell them the truth (or tell them your side of the story), you would still have no idea what to do about the people who had only heard the lie subconsciously (people who had not consciously heard
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 386 the lie in a conversation with another person, but who had only heard the lie subconsciously when it was transmitted to them through the Collective Subconscious)."
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 387 "Thomas believes that when another person intimidates you by letting you know that they are going to tell a lie that will hurt you, that person knows that you will be worried about how you are going to defend yourself
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 388 against the lie. He thinks that because people such as Jeffrey and myself have had our spiritual energy stolen from us by other people in the past (thereby reducing our levels of spiritual energy), it is possible that the connection
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 389 between our conscious minds and our subconscious minds is weaker than the connection that most other people have between their conscious mind and their subconscious mind. For this reason Thomas feels that the
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 390 bullies who like to unfairly spread lies about other people will tend to pick on spiritually and psychologically vulnerable people such as Jeffrey and myself more than they
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 391 pick on other people. Thomas said he knows that there are a lot of things that are going through my mind when I get taken advantage of in this way and that it is easy for me to panic. But if I could gain
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 392 some insight into what is happening, Thomas thinks that I might be able to better defend myself against this type of attack in the future. He suggested that the next time this happens I should remind myself that
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 393 my conscious mind and my subconscious mind are in conflict and are out of alignment at that moment while I am talking to the person who is trying to take advantage of me. Thomas thinks that I should try to
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 394 communicate to my subconscious mind that I am consciously aware that the bully who is trying to take advantage of me is going to tell lies about me directly to other people and that some of those people who hear the
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 395 lies might subconsciously transmit the lies to other people through the Collective Subconscious. He thinks that I should communicate to my subconscious mind that the biggest problem I am facing at that moment is that
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 396 the bully is trying to steal my spiritual energy by making me panic because of the conflict that I am feeling because my conscious mind is not in alignment with my subconscious mind. If I can get myself to stop panicking
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 397 when this happens, Thomas thinks that the bully will not be able to steal my spiritual energy and I will for this reason have more spiritual energy available to me. And because I will have more spiritual energy available to
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 398 me than I would have had if I would have allowed the bully to steal my spiritual energy, I will be able to better defend myself against any conscious or subconscious lies that will be told about me than I would have been if I would have
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 399 panicked when I was talking to the bully. Pastor Ron, I think that pretty much covers the subjects that we wanted to talk to you about tonight."
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 400 Pastor Ron smiled and then said, "Dan, I mentioned a little while ago how the advancements that have been made in science over the past 100 years have made it very difficult for churches to keep
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 401 the myths of Heaven and Hell alive. I mentioned how I believe that a lot of pastors have used the technique that Kala described to make people believe there must be a Hell by preaching about Hell while at same time
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 402 making those people who were in the audience nervous by creating a conflict between their conscious minds and their subconscious minds that actually had nothing to do with Hell. I think that there are a lot of pastors today who
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 403 know that their congregations are well educated and that the people in their congregations have trouble believing in things of a spiritual nature. In the same way that many pastors in the past used the technique that Kala described
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 404 to make people believe that there was a Hell, I think that some of the pastors today use the technique that Thomas told you about last week to make skeptical people believe that spiritual forces actually do exist.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 405 I think that they might purposely tell lies about people who are spiritually and psychologically vulnerable for the purpose of demonstrating that spiritual forces actually exist.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 406 If they are able to tell a lie about a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person and if the people who heard the lie notice how nervous it makes the vulnerable person and if they also notice that people
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 407 who did not hear the lie consciously (people who did not hear the lie directly from another person in a conversation) believe the lie, than that will prove to those people that spiritual forces actually do exist.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 408 Pastors who are a little bit mischievous will be able to have a little bit of fun at the expense of the person who is spiritually and psychologically vulnerable, and they will feel that they will have done a good thing
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 409 because they will have made people who were once skeptical about the existence of spiritual forces start to believe that spiritual forces actually do exist. I know that a lot of people today get confused when they hear
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 410 stories of pastors who have been doing bad things for many years while they were the spiritual leader of their church. You would think that someone who was corrupt would not be able to lead other people spiritually.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 411 I think maybe the reason that those pastors are able to lead their congregations spiritually even though they are corrupt themselves is that they use tricks such as the ones that we have
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 412 been discussing here tonight. They prove with those tricks that spiritual forces exist and the members of their congregations are impressed by those tricks."
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 413 Pastor Ron continued, "I think that there is something else that people who are spiritually and psychologically vulnerable (and who are spiritual slaves) need to be aware of. Dan, when a spiritually and
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 414 psychologically vulnerable person such as Jeffrey and yourself becomes another person's spiritual slave, they end up absorbing the pressure that should be going to the person who attacked them and who made
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 415 them into their spiritual slave. They have to deal with not only the pressure in their own life but they also have to absorb the pressure that is being directed towards the person who has made them into a spiritual slave.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 416 If they eventually, with insight into the nature of their situation, get some sort of psychological release where they no longer feel the need to absorb the pressure of the person who made them into a spiritual slave,
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 417 they will notice very soon that they will have increased pressure put upon them by people in the group that they are a part of who are upset that the person who made them into a spiritual slave (their slave master) is not
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 418 happy about the new situation where they have to absorb the pressure that was previously absorbed for them by the spiritual slave. The person who had been using them as a spiritual slave might tell the other members
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 419 of their group that they are feeling increased negative spiritual energy coming into them from the person who they had been using as their spiritual slave. Actually, they are just feeling the negative spiritual energy
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 420 that the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person had been absorbing for them through the years. But being as the person who made the more vulnerable person into a spiritual slave is going
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 421 through obvious spiritual and psychological pain as a result of what has occurred, it will appear to anyone observing the situation that the person who had been serving as a spiritual slave was actually sending negative spiritual
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 422 energy into their former slave master. The group will now cast the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person in the role of a bad person and the vulnerable person will be forced to go back into their old role where
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 423 they were being forced to absorb the pressure that was being directed towards the person who had made them into their spiritual slave."
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 424 "Dan", continued Pastor Ron, "sometimes people who are spiritually and psychologically vulnerable such as yourself might meet a church person who tries to comfort you by letting you know that they are praying
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 425 for you, If this happens to you Dan, you will probably have mixed feelings about what you are hearing from that person. You will want to thank them for sending you extra spiritual energy by way of their prayers, but you will
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 426 want to let them know that you feel you would be better off if you could be set free from your spiritual slavery (and receive less prayers from other people than you are presently receiving)
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 427 than to be forced to remain a spiritual slave and receive more prayers from other people."
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 428 Below is an example of a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person, or spiritual slave (Person B) being forced to absorb pressure that is being sent by the person on the left (Person A) to the person on the right (Person C). In the following illustration you see what happens if Person B manages to get out of the line of fire between Person A and Person C. Person A (a person who is pressuring Person C) Person B (a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person) Person C (a person who has made Person B their spiritual slave)
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 429 Below is an example of a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person, or spiritual slave (Person B) managing to get out of the line of fire between Person A and Person C. As can be expected, Person C will probably not be very happy about having to absorb the pressure that is now coming into them from Person A (pressure that was once being absorbed for them by Person B). Person A (a person who is pressuring Person C) Person B (a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person) Person C (a person who has made Person B their spiritual slave)
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 430 Below we see Person B being forced to absorb pressure that is being sent by the person on the left (Person A) to the person on the right (Person C). For a short time Person B had managed to get out of the line of fire, but then Person C complained about the extra pressure that they were now forced to absorb. The extra pressure was actually coming into them from Person A, but the group forced Person B to once again start absorbing the pressure that was being sent by Person A to Person C. Person A (a person who is pressuring Person C) Person B (a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person) Person C (a person who has made Person B their spiritual slave)
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 431 A church person who knows both Person B and Person C told Person B that he has been praying for him to help give him the strength that he needs to handle the pressures in his life. Person B told the church person that he appreciated the prayers, but that he would prefer if the church person prayed more for Person C and less for him. Person B said he would like to see Person C get strong enough to handle more pressure so that Person B could get out of the line of fire between Person A and Person C without hurting Person C. Person A (a person who is pressuring Person C) Person B (a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person) Person C (a person who has made Person B their spiritual slave)
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 432 In the opinion of Person B, there are a lot of people who have been praying to give him the strength he needs to handle both the pressures in his own life and also the pressures that he is absorbing for Person C. Person B thinks that if he was able to break free from his spiritual slavery and not have to handle the pressure that Person A is sending to Person C (see below), he would have enough strength to allow the people who have been praying for him to offer less prayers on his behalf and offer more prayers on Person C’s behalf. Person A (a person who is pressuring Person C) Person B (a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person) Person C (a person who has made Person B their spiritual slave)
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 433 "Unfortunately Dan" continued Pastor Ron, "if you tell someone who has been praying for you that you would prefer to receive less prayers and be allowed to break free of your spiritual bondage than to receive more
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 434 prayers and remain a spiritual slave, you might find that the person who has been praying for you will not want to send you any spiritual energy by way of their prayers if you manage to
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 435 get free of your spiritual slavery. This person might feel that spiritual slavery is a necessary thing in this world and they might not want to see you break free of your spiritual slavery."
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 436 Dan thought about what Pastor Ron had said for a moment and then said, "Pastor Ron, what you said about people who might pray for you while you are a spiritual slave but who might not want to pray for you if you
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 437 become free of your spiritual slavery might be related to something else that Thomas and I have been discussing recently. It is sometimes hard for people such as Jeffrey and myself who
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 438 are spiritually and psychologically vulnerable to figure out why we might sometimes start to feel that we are developing a relationship with someone of the opposite sex and then find that they are not really
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 439 interested in us. Thomas has a pretty good explanation as to why this might happen. Thomas believes that most people as they are growing up develop deep emotions for the people who
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 440 they are really close to emotionally, and they also develop a "practical" set of emotions that they use when they are in situations where they are dealing with people in their school while they are growing up or where they are
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 441 dealing with people in business types of situations when they start their working lives. For example, a girl who is running for homecoming queen or for a class office while in high school might develop "practical"
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 442 relationships where she merges the practical part of her soul with her fellow students for the purpose of getting their votes in the school election. Thomas believes that people who
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 443 are spiritually and psychologically vulnerable are only able to develop a practical set of emotions and for this reason sometimes they might think that they are getting involved with
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 444 someone of the opposite sex who is only merging the practical part of their soul with them. And I believe there is another thing that makes spiritually and psychologically vulnerable people think that they are
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 445 getting involved with a person who is not really interested in them. Thomas believes that people transfer their exchanges of spiritual energy that they had with people who they knew in the past to people who they know in the
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 446 present. And he believes that people who are spiritually and psychologically vulnerable also transfer their exchanges of spiritual energy that they have had with other people in the past to people
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 447 who they know in the present. This transfer of spiritual energy exchanges is a good thing when someone meets a soul mate who is able to tie up their emotional loose ends and make them forget about bad relationships that
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 448 they have had in the past, but I think that it can be a bad thing for a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person. If in the past you have been told by a girl that she doesn't want to see you any more because you are
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 449 not in her league and then you meet a new girl who is very similar to her, you might transfer to the new girl the exchanges of spiritual energy that you had with the girl who you knew in the past who
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 450 said that she did not want to see you any more (and the new girl who you meet might transfer to you the exchanges of spiritual energy that she had with guys who she knew in the past who she had told to leave her alone). This will
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 451 create an immediate friction between you and the girl who you have just met.” Pastor Ron thought for a moment and then said, "Dan, I think you have a very good understanding of some of the create an immediate friction between you and the girl who you have just met.” Pastor Ron thought for a moment and then said, "Dan, I think you have a very good understanding of some of the
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 452 problems that spiritually and psychologically vulnerable people have in their relationships with other people. We discussed earlier how someone who was willing to send you spiritual energy by way of their
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 453 prayers might not be willing to send you spiritual energy by way of their prayers if you break free from your spiritual slavery. In a similar way I think that when spiritually and psychologically vulnerable people are
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 454 growing up members of the opposite sex will sometimes give them a conditional type of friendship. A girl in a church group, for example, might flirt with a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable guy because she
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 455 wants to give something to him to help him be strong enough to fulfill his role as a spiritual slave to the group. Some people use the term "quid pro quo" (which is Latin for "this for that") to describe this type
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 456 of situation. In the girl's mind it was understood from the start that she would flirt with the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable guy for as long as he played the role of a spiritual slave.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 457 In her mind, they had a deal. When he tried to form an actual relationship with her, it might have felt ok to her for a while, but then she realized that something was wrong. What she realized was that he had stepped out
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 458 of the role that he had been performing as a spiritual slave and that he was trying to relate to her as an equal. At that point she backed out of their "quid pro quo" arrangement because he was no longer playing the
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 459 role that she was expecting him to play. While the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable guy might not have been in her league, he was in her game at one time. When he started trying to relate to her
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 460 on a more equal type of a basis she decided that she did not want him in her game any longer."
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 461 "Dan, most of us have been in situations where we were going through a hard time and then we were very disappointed when the people around us (who we hoped would encourage us during our time of trouble) actually
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 462 seemed to be happy about our misfortune (thereby making our pain even worse). When a family is going through a hard time (such as a death in the family or a financial set back) and a
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 463 new family member comes along, there is a danger that some of the more aggressive and unkind members of the community that the family is involved in will start to put increased amounts of pressure on the family
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 464 in an effort to hurt the family at a time when they are down and vulnerable. Some families can handle this type of pressure and humiliation better than others, but it is not easy for anyone to feel negative spiritual energy
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 465 coming into them from members of their community when they feel that those people should be trying to help them in their time of difficulty. When a family is pressured in this sort of a way and a new member is
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 466 born into the family, there is a danger that the family will transfer the negative spiritual energy that is coming into them from the members of their community that are pressuring the family to the new family member.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 467 The other family members are able to keep their equilibrium because they do not have to absorb the negative spiritual energy that was previously coming into them. It is my belief that
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 468 there are quite a few spiritually and psychologically vulnerable people whose birth might have occurred at a time that was not convenient for their family. Because of this fact
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 469 (and because the family decided to put the blame on the new member of the family) the new family member developed a reputation in their community as being a person who liked to hurt other people because
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 470 it was believed that their birth hurt their family. If their birth caused more problems for their father than for their mother, they might get a reputation for (or be spiritually branded as) a person who likes to hurt
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 471 other men. If their birth caused more problems for their mother than for their father, they might get a reputation for (or be spiritually branded as) a person who likes to hurt women. This might or might
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 472 not be the type of situation that you were born into, Dan. But if this was your situation, then this reputation (or spiritual branding) that was given to you by the community that you were a part of would have followed
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 473 you as you went through school and also later on when you started your working life. Let me give you an example to explain in somewhat simplistic terms what might be going on between you and other
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 474 people spiritually if you developed a reputation early in life as someone who likes to hurt other people. Let's say that when you are talking to a person you send them spiritual energy. You have some conscious control over
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 475 this spiritual energy (which we will call personal spiritual energy). Let's say that you also send the person who you are talking to a more subconscious type of spiritual energy. This spiritual energy is being
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 476 relayed by your community through you to the person who you are talking to. This spiritual energy (which we will call group spiritual energy) is comprised of the combined spiritual energy of the people who you knew
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 477 when you were growing up (or your community). If your community came to a consensus that you like to hurt other people, it would be hard for you to be effective at sending positive spiritual energy to other people
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 478 because while you were sending positive spiritual energy to the other person consciously, that other person would also be picking up subconscious vibrations from you that were made up of the negative group
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 479 spiritual energy that was being relayed through you by your community to that other person."
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 480 In the illustration below the person on the left (Person A) is sending positive personal spiritual energy and positive group spiritual energy to the person on the right (Person B) Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Indicates a positive type of spiritual energy Indicates a negative type of spiritual energy Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Person APerson B
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 481 In the illustration below the person on the left (Person A) is sending positive personal spiritual energy and negative group spiritual energy to the person on the right (Person B) Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Indicates a positive type of spiritual energy Indicates a negative type of spiritual energy Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Person APerson B
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 482 "To sum it up Dan", said Pastor Ron, "you might want to watch out for at least three types of situations that might be throwing your conscious mind out of alignment with your subconscious mind. First, watch out
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 483 for religious people who try to make you feel guilty for not believing in religious myths that they do not believe in themselves. Second, when a bully tries to make you nervous by letting you know
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 484 that they are going to tell a lie about you, try to communicate to your subconscious mind that you are aware of the dangers of the situation and that you believe that you will be ok as long as you understand the
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 485 nature of the situation and as long as you don't panic. And finally, try to communicate to your subconscious mind that you are aware that you may be unintentionally sending negative spiritual messages that are being relayed by
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 486 your community through you to the people who you meet that give them the impression that you like to hurt other people. Let your subconscious mind know that you will try to be as positive as possible with the
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 487 people who you deal with on a conscious level and perhaps also give your subconscious mind the authority to try to override some of those negative spiritual vibrations that are being relayed by
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 488 Copyright 2011 Don Bergquist your community through you to the people who you meet and turn those negative spiritual vibrations into positive spiritual vibrations."