1. What is reading for you? Ce este lectura pentru tine?
2. What you prefer to read? Ce preferi sa citesti? Legends, fairy tales, stories Novels, sketces, short stories Memories, diaries Magazin, newspapers Something else Comic books O% only manual
3. Text of the manual are: Textele din manual sunt:
4. When you read, in free time, what you quit? music Somethig else
5. I would read more if: Eu as citi mai mult daca:
6. You talk about books read with: Cu cine discuti despre ce ai citit?
7. Write three legends or tales Romanian 8. Write three legends or tales from other countries. Stefan cel Mare si Vrancioaia Legenda Muresului si Oltului Traian si Dochia Legendele Olimpului Romulus si Remus Robin Hood
9. What legend of our country you want to send it to students from other countries.