NRNU Moscow Engineering Physics Institute OVERVIEW OF CURRICULA IN THERMAL PHYSICS Vladimir S. Kharitonov
Faculty: “Physics and technology” Department: “Thermal Physics” (was founded in 1947) NRNU Moscow Engineering Physics Institute
Academician I.I. Novikov - first rector of MEPhI and the department founder Academician V.I. Subbotin Head of the Department of Thermal Physics ( ) Director IPPE (Obninsk), Professor V.I. Rachkov Head of the Department of Thermal at present time
The Department trains: Engineer-Physicists in nuclear reactors and power installations (nuclear engineering, 5.5 years), Bachelors in Technical Physics (nuclear engineering, 4 years) Master of Science in Technical Physics (Thermal Physics of nuclear reactors--nuclear engineering, 2 years)
The department program of study provides: High level of fundamental training in physics and mathematics (1-6 semesters) Broad knowledge of thermal aspects of nuclear reactors and nuclear engineering (5-10 semesters) Full scale laboratory practice and internship
Engineer degree candidates of Thermal Physics department specialize in one of three alternative specializations: Thermal Physics of nuclear power installations Energy sources and perspective conversion methods Systems of safety control of nuclear power installations
“Thermal Physics of nuclear power installations” CURRICULUM (semester 5) Course title Duration (hour per week) Form of control Lec.Prac.Lab.Total Atomic physics 22-4exam Measurements of thermophysical parameters 1-12test Computational thermophysics (1) 1-12test Thermal properties of materials 2-13exam Technical and non-equilibrium thermodynamics 2226exam
“Thermal Physics of nuclear power installations” CURRICULUM (semester 6) Course title Duration (hour per week) Form of control Lec.Prac.Lab.Total Hydrodynamics fundamentals 22-4exam Nuclear physics 2-13exam Heat and mass transfer fundamentals 2226exam Basic neutron physics 22-4test Computational thermophysics (2) 1-23test Power equipment of NPP 2114exam
“Thermal Physics of nuclear power installations” CURRICULUM (semester 7) Course title Duration (hour per week) Form of control Lec.Prac.Lab.Total Hydrodynamics of nuclear reactors 2-24exam Materials of nuclear reactors 2--2test Training research activity --55test Nuclear reactor theory 2114test Power equipment of NPP (training design activity) --22test Nuclear power installations (1) 2114exam Nuclear reactor physics 2--2exam Heat transfer theory 2226exam
“Thermal Physics of nuclear power installations” CURRICULUM (semester 8) Course title Duration (hour per week) Form of control Lec.Prac.Lab.Total Reactor design (training design activity) --22test Nuclear reactor theory (2) 2215exam Training research activity --44test Control and measurement in nuclear reactors 2-24exam NPP metrology 2--2exam Nuclear power installations (2) 2-13exam Nuclear reactor physics (2) 1-45exam
“Thermal Physics of nuclear power installations” CURRICULUM (semester 9) Course title Duration (hour per week) Form of control Lec.Prac.Lab.Total Safety assurance (training design activity) --11test Two phase flows 2-13exam Training research activity --44test Nuclear power industry ecology and economy 3-25exam Calculation methods of transient physical processes 22-4exam Nuclear technologies and fuel cycle 21-3test Nuclear reactor safety systems 2-13exam
“Thermal Physics of nuclear power installations” CURRICULUM (semesters 10-11) Course title Duration (hour per week) Form of control Lec.Prac.Lab.Total Training research activity -6-6exam Actual problem of thermal physics 22-4exam Actual problem of exploitation NPP 213exam Final State examination 11-2EXAM Internship at MEPhI reactor 2 weeks test Internship at the research centers or at the Department May - September test Thesis preparation October - February EXAM
Master of Science Graduate Programs in nuclear engineering: Thermal Physics of nuclear reactors
“Thermal Physics of nuclear reactors” CURRICULUM (semester 9) Course title Duration (hour per week) Form of control Lec.Prac.Lab.Total Technical thermodynamics 21-3exam Hydrodynamics and heat transfer in NPP 33-6exam Nuclear reactor theory 55212exam Nuclear reactor experimental physics 5-611test Nuclear power industry economy 21-3exam Reactor control systems 21-3test Neutron transport theory 22-4test NPP installations 2--2exam
“Thermal Physics of nuclear reactors” CURRICULUM (semester 10) Course title Duration (hour per week) Form of control Lec.Prac.Lab.Total Thermophysical calculations and design of NPP 3115exam Control and measurements in nuclear reactors 1113exam Thermal physics of fuel rods 21-3exam Methods of transient thermal processes investigations 2-13exam Two phase flows in NPP 21-3exam NPP safety systems -3-3exam Training research activity 3--3test
“Thermal Physics of nuclear reactors” CURRICULUM (semester 11-12) Course title Duration (hour per week) Form of control Lec.Prac.Lab.Total Nuclear reactors thermohydraulic modeling 42-6exam Nuclear cross-sections 3--3exam Physical features of modern nuclear reactors 2--2test Nuclear technologies and fuel cycle 3--3exam Training research activity -4-4exam Internship, thesis preparation and defense 12 semester EXAM
Laboratories Thermodynamics Heat transfer Thermal properties Two phase flows Soft computer technologies for thermohydraulic and accident analysis in NPP Swirling flows modeling IRT-2000 (research reactor) Training simulation systems laboratory
Student Research Activity Modeling of thermohydraulic processes in different reactor’s core (VVER, RBMK, FR, IRT). Transient heat transfer investigations. The analysis of boiling crisis conditions. Calculation support of experimental investigations. New concepts of reactor core thermohydraulic analysis (HTGR, VVER, BREST, FR).
Student Research Activity Thermal properties measurements of nuclear reactor materials. New physical methods in reactor instrumentation. Mathematical models and computational studies of swirling flows. Asymmetric hydromechanics of porous body. Methods of heat transfer enhancement. Fluid mechanics. Neural networks technologies in nuclear applications. Benchmark calculations.
Sites of Student Internship Activity RRC “Kurchatov Institute”. IPPE, Obninsk. OKB “GIDROPRESS”, Podolsk. The Scientific Research Institute of Inorganic Materials. JSC “TVEL”. ENIKO TSO. The Russian academy of sciences. JSC “Energoatom”. Russian Federal Nuclear Center VNIIEF (Sarov).
Scientific work of The Department Experimental definition a component of a tensor of hydraulic resistance x y 0b l кон l нач 0 h l h y z η ξ n α П-П+ Р, 10 5 Па cos 2 φ
Scientific work of The Department Modeling of thermohydraulic processes in different reactor’s core (VVER, RBMK, FR, IRT) Program complex TRETON
Scientific work of The Department Transient heat transfer investigations. The analysis of boiling crisis conditions.
Scientific work of The Department Swirling flows modeling
Scientific work of The Department Thermal properties and modern methods of measurements Thermal expansion – interferometr of Fizo Thermal conductivity – stationary method, pulse methods Thermal capacity – calorimetr with an isotermal cover, pulse methods Elastic modules – ultrasonic methods. UO 2 with ultradisperse fractions Thermal conductivity of UO 2 with ultradisperse fractions
Staff of the Department Full-time Professors – 4 Full-time Associate Professors – 10 Teachers – 2 Researchers – 5 Post-graduate students – 6-8 Post graduate education is possible after graduating of engineer or master degree program. THANK YOU