1 The Power of Promotional Products: Advertising Specialties Impressions Study
2 A Groundbreaking Research Study From ASI We’ll Reveal... Statistics showing how advertising specialties influence end-users’ decisions Powerful numbers that illustrate the staying power and number of impressions of popular advertising specialties The Cost Per Impression of advertising specialties compared with other popular advertising media
3 You Will Leave With... Solid ammunition to overcome 12 common end-buyer objections Your own personal copy of the study
4 Survey Methodology A team of interviewers surveyed businesspeople in four metro areas: New York, Chicago, Los Angeles & Philadelphia An online survey to additional end-users augmented the in-person survey 618 completed surveys in all
6 Solution 1—End-Users Remember the Brands on the Items They’ve Received
8 Solution 2—42% of end-users have a MORE favorable impression of an advertiser after receiving the item
10 Solution 3—Nearly 25% of end-users are MORE LIKELY to do business with the advertiser on the items they receive
12 Solution 4—Most end-users have done business with the advertiser AFTER RECEIVING the item
14 Solution 5—Writing Instruments Are The Most-Recalled Promotional Item
16 Solution 6—The Typical Promotional Product is Kept for 7 Months
18 Solution 7—End-users keep items that are USEFUL
20 Solution 8—Bags are the most frequently used apparel item
22 Solution 9—Many Advertising Specialties Are Used Every Day
24 Solution 10—Promotional Products Deliver Significant Numbers of Impressions
26 Solution 11-The Cost-Per-Impression of Advertising Specialties is a Fraction of a Cent
28 Solution 12—Advertising Specialties Deliver a Better CPI Than Virtually Any Other Media
29 Cheat Sheet (Give This To Your Reps!) 84% of end-users can name the advertisers on the items they receive 62% have done business with the advertiser AFTER receiving the item End-users keep products for 7 months The average cost-per-impression of a promotional product = $0.004 The CPI for advertising specialties beats all forms of media (except billboards)
30 Educating the Industry and End-Buyers Counselor Webinar Study available on Coverage in all 7 ASI magazines and ASI Radio PR campaign in general business media Seminars at 2009 ASI Shows Presentation for end-buyers for distributors
31 The Power of Promotional Products: Advertising Specialties Impressions Study