Who is Eligible to Participate ? ¦An employee is eligible if: – Permanent/full-time or part-time (half time or more) – Probationary – Trainee – Time-Limited AND – Have been absent or have a projected absence of at least twenty (20) consecutive, scheduled workdays OR ¦Have an absence from work on an intermittent basis equal to twenty (20) days or 160 hours during the preceding six (6) months. ¦Requirements for permanent part-time employees are prorated. ¦There is no waiting period for VSL
DEFINITION - Immediate Family Member: £ Spouse £ Parents £ Children - Other Dependents £ Brother - Sister £ Grandparents £ Grandchildren £ Great-Grandparents £ Great-Grandchildren £ Also included are step, half, and in-law relationships
+ Exhaust all available vacation and sick leave before using any donated leave. This includes leave accumulated while in pay status. + Limited to a total of 1,040 hours of donated leave per medical condition. (Permanent part-time employees are prorated) + May use donated leave on an intermittent basis. (Based on medical explanation.) + Donated leave may be used retroactively for up to sixty (60) calendar days from the date of application approval. + Recipient may return to work on a trial basis for no more than five (5) consecutively scheduled workdays without affecting VSL participation. Recipient Guidelines
Donor Guidelines - Non-Family Members Vacation Leave: t Vacation - Minimum 4 hours; remaining balance must not be reduced below 1/2 annual earning rate t Bonus Vacation - Minimum of 4 hours; no minimum balance to remain t May Donate to any State Agency except Public Schools, Community Colleges, and Local Governments t EXCEPTION: A Non-Family Member may donate Vacation leave or Bonus Vacation to an immediate family member of a co-worker.
Donor Guidelines - Immediate Family Member n May donate Sick, Vacation, or Bonus Vacation Leave n Sick Leave ¤ Minimum 4 hours ¤ Must retain at least 40 hours ¤ May donate within any agency, including Community Colleges and Public Schools (does not include local government) n Vacation Leave ¤ Minimum 4 hours ¤ Remaining balance must not be reduced below 1/2 annual earning rate n Bonus Vacation ¤ Minimum 4 hours ¤ No minimum remaining balance required
Application Procedures 4The employee must submit a signed and dated application. 4The employee must furnish documentation from the health care provider that includes: l diagnosis/nature of condition l prognosis of illness/duration 4Supervisors must provide, to the approving authority, copies of the employee’s time reports showing employee has used or will use all available sick and vacation leave prior to the anticipated return-to-work date.
Application Procedures - Continued 4Once the application is approved at the work location, forward the original application and supporting documentation, including time sheets, to the DOC Benefits Section. 4Management will be notified, in writing by the Benefits Section that: ¬The VSL application has been approved or denied The thirty-day (30) donation period (dates) has been established ®Absolutely no extensions will be permitted on the donation period NOTE:Failure of the employee to apply for participation prior to returning to work shall result in the application being disapproved.
Procedures for Donating Leave.A donor must complete a Department of Correction Donor Form and submit it to Unit Benefits Rep./Management - including donations being made to other State Agencies..Benefits Rep./Management must verify the leave balances are adequate for donation to be made..Donor form(s) must be mailed or faxed to the DOC Benefits Section for approval..Donations to or from other state agencies must be sent to the DOC Benefits Section for approval..The DOC Benefits Section will - in writing - approve or deny the donation..Upon confirmation from the DOC Benefits Section, Benefit Rep./ Management will notify supervisors to deduct all donation(s) from the donor’s time sheet and add donation(s) to recipient’s time sheet.
Donating Leave To and From Public Schools and Other State Agencies. Employees of DOC who wish to DONATE LEAVE TO Public Schools or Other State Agencies shall: s Obtain a copy of recipient’s approval notification for VSL s Complete a donor form (DOC or recipient’s employer) s Obtain the name, telephone number, and address of the VSL contact person s Submit the above to the DOC Benefits Rep for review s Only Immediate Family (as outlined in VSL Policy) may donate leave to Public School and Community College employees.. Employees of DOC who wish to RECEIVE LEAVE FROM other the Public Schools or other State Agencies shall: s Complete a donor form (DOC or donor’s employer) s Obtain approval from the donor’s personnel office to donate leave
BROADCASTING k Notification of approval of VSL application will be made by to the Benefits Rep by DOC Benefits Section. k A summary Broadcast memo will be sent by DOC Benefits Section to Benefit Reps. at all DOC locations. k The Broadcast memo should be distributed and/or posted at all work locations in order that all employees have access to the memo. k It is the VSL participant’s responsibility to notify other State Agencies of his/her approval to participate in VSL.
Confidentiality ] All medical records are kept confidential. ] All medical records must be maintained separately from the personnel file at the work location. ] Donations shall be kept confidential. ] The recipient is not to know who the donors are.
Any Questions? n Nancy H. Smith 919/