Real-Time Systems Programming ECE Fall 2002 Instructor : Aniruddha Gokhale Guest Instructors : Bala Natarajan, Doug Schmidt {a.gokhale,
2 Aniruddha Gokhale Vanderbilt University, Fall 2002 Course Logistics Required Textbook : Real-Time Systems by Jane W.S. Liu; Prentice Hall © 2000 Supporting Material : –Real-Time Systems: Design Principles for Distributed Embedded Systems by Hermann Kopetz; Kluwer Academic Publishers © 1997 –Real-Time Systems and Programming Languages, 3 rd Edition by Alan Burns and Andy Wellings; Addison Wesley © 2001 –OMG Real-time CORBA Specification –Real-time Java Specification –OMG Real-time UML Prerequisites : C, C++, Java, Operating Systems, Computer Networks Course Timings : TTh 9:35 – 10:50 am, Featheringill Hall 306 Office Hours: TBD Teaching Assistant: TBA
3 Aniruddha Gokhale Vanderbilt University, Fall 2002 Course Grading ECE279ECE353 Quizzes30% Programming assignments 40% (4) 50% (5) Presentations10%20% Final exam (comprehensive) 20%-- Grades based on curve.
4 Aniruddha Gokhale Vanderbilt University, Fall 2002 Useful URLs Dr. Douglas Schmidt’s patterns tutorial and tons of other information ( ) Dr. Alan Burns/Dr. Andy Wellings lecture notes ( Dr. Fred Kuhn’s lecture notes ( ) Dr. Philip Koopman’s lecture notes ( ) Univ of Monash, Australia lecture notes ( ) Dr. Maniraman lecture notes ( )
5 Aniruddha Gokhale Vanderbilt University, Fall 2002 Useful URLs Dr. Rajkumar’s (CMU) website (www- ) OMG RT CORBA ( ) TAO RT ORB ( ) Real time Java ( ) RT Java VM called OVM ( ) OMG UML and RT Profile ( ) Model integrated computing (MIC) and Generic Modeling Environment (GME) ( ) Embedded Systems Magazine ( )
6 Aniruddha Gokhale Vanderbilt University, Fall 2002 Syllabus CONCEPT Introduction Hard versus soft real time Notion of global time Model(s) of real time systems Fault tolerance Resource management Scheduling Event- versus Time- triggered RT systems PRACTICE RT programming primitives RT design patterns RT operating systems Communication Networks OMG RT CORBA RT Java RT UML, Model integrated computing using GME
7 Aniruddha Gokhale Vanderbilt University, Fall 2002 Lecture Schedule DATETOPIC 8/29/02Quiz 0, Administrative stuff, Introduction Reading assignment (RA) – Chapt 1, 2 9/3/02Introduction (cont’d), Distributed Real Time and Embedded (DRE) Systems, Hard and Soft Real Time, Programming Assignment (PA) #1 out 9/5/02Quiz 1, RT Programming Constructs 9/10/02RT Programming Constructs, Introduction to Adaptive Communications Environment (ACE) 9/12/02Quiz 2, ACE (cont’d), Modeling RT Systems 9/17/02DRE Patterns (guest lecture by Dr. Douglas C. Schmidt) 9/19/02PA#1 in, PA#2 out, Quiz 3, Introduction to CORBA
8 Aniruddha Gokhale Vanderbilt University, Fall 2002 Lecture Schedule DATETOPIC 9/24/02RT CORBA (by Bala) 9/26/02Quiz 4, RT CORBA (by Bala) 10/1/02Notion of Global time, RT clocks 10/3/02PA#2 in, PA#3 out, Quiz 5, Fault Tolerance 10/8/02Fault tolerant CORBA, Conflicts with real time systems 10/10/02Quiz 6, Schedulability analysis, Scheduling 10/15/02Scheduling (cont’d) 10/17/02Quiz 7, Resource management and control
9 Aniruddha Gokhale Vanderbilt University, Fall 2002 Lecture Schedule DATETOPIC 10/22/02FALL BREAK – NO CLASS 10/24/02PA#3 in, PA#4 out, Quiz 8, RT Operating Systems (RTOS), some case studies 10/29/02RTOS (cont’d), Communication Networks – IntServ, DiffServ, Routers, MPLS 10/31/02Quiz 9, Networks (cont’d) 11/5/02RT Java (lecture by Bala) 11/7/02Quiz 10, RT Java (lecture by Bala) 11/12/02Assorted Topics: Adaptive and reflective middleware
10 Aniruddha Gokhale Vanderbilt University, Fall 2002 Lecture Schedule DATETOPIC 11/14/02PA#4 in, PA#5 out, Quiz 11 Distribution and selection of topics/papers for student presentations Assorted Topics: UML, RT profiles, Model integrated computing (MIC), Generic Modeling Environment (GME) 11/19/02Assorted Topics: UML, MIC, GME (cont’d), Composition of embedded systems 11/22/02Quiz 12, Time triggered protocol 11/26/02Thanksgiving break – No class 11/29/02Thanksgiving break – No class
11 Aniruddha Gokhale Vanderbilt University, Fall 2002 Lecture Schedule DATETOPIC 12/3/02Student Presentations 12/5/02Student Presentations 12/10/02Student Presentations 12/12/02Student Presentations (if any) REVIEW 12/17/02 ? 9:00 am FINAL EXAM for ECE 279 (comprehensive, closed book)