Northern Arizona University University Budget Office
State appropriation funding has decreased from nearly 40% of funding sources in FY08 to 23% in FY14 ◦ Tuition and Fees, Government Grants and Contracts, and Auxiliary funding sources have increased during this time
State Budget continues to be significantly impacted from the reduction in General Fund Appropriations ◦ FY13 marked the first year General Fund Appropriations made up less than 50% of the initial State Budget ◦ Increased funding from tuition collections has helped offset the 31% decline in general fund appropriation since 2008
Beginning Balance; Revenue; Net Transfers In ◦ Providing significantly more sources of funding to support unit operations 65% growth from FY09 actual funding sources to FY14 budgeted funding sources
Impact from adding local funding resources to state resources is significant for all units
Important to incorporate all funding sources during the budgeting process and throughout the year ◦ Helps to determine what resources are available to fund University, Division and Department priorities Questions to further clarify your decisions ◦ What are your recurring expenses (e.g. people) and what are the changes you expect to those recurring expenses (either new ones or ones that should/need to end)? Should/Could they be funded on state funds or local funds? ◦ What are your 1 time expenses (operations/capital/new initiatives)? Do you have room for those expenses on your state funds (if expenses are allowed) or do you have local funds to cover it? ◦ Do you have funding to cover your expenses through state funds, beginning balances, new revenue? Is your revenue a recurring revenue stream or a one time event? ◦ Do you expect to see a decrease or increase in your local ending balance compared to your beginning balance? ◦ What other changes do you expect?
What additional transactions do you expect to see before year end that will impact your YTD revenue and expense? How do your YTD expenses/revenues compare to the projected amount for the end of the year? ◦ If you are projecting LESS than your YTD amounts, what transactions do you expect that will decrease the amount by the end of the year? ◦ If you are projecting MORE, is the additional amount realistic given the amount of time left in the year?
NSTAR Reports ◦ Finance ◦ HR Salary Change Report (JFR access on Budget Shares drive) Budget Adjustments and Local Fund Transfer listings (JFR Access on Budget Shares drive) Business Objects Reports ◦ Transaction Detail ◦ Status of Funds ◦ Payroll PS Financials ◦ Budget Overview