Fall 2014
All students in the program need to maintain a student portfolio. Portfolios need to be updated every semester. The deadline is one week after the end of finals. Send the updated portfolio in one pdf file to Dr. Knaust
The following needs to be added every semester: 1.A semester reflection. 2.Your best work (such as projects, homework, or tests) in the courses you are taking. Adding your best work is mandatory for the following courses below (and optional for other courses): Math 5311, 5360, 5361, 5364, 5365, and 5370
Templates for the front page of your portfolio, etc. Semester reflection. A sample portfolio.
Adobe Pro can be used to combine files (such as.doc,.pdf, etc) into a single document. Adobe Pro is available on UTEP computers. 1. Open the program, click on Combine->Merge Files into a Single PDF
2. Drag and drop the files you want to combine into the program window.
3. You can move files up or down, and even select page ranges of the documents. 4. After you are finished, save the documents as one pdf file by clicking on Combine Files.
Contacts: Dr. Helmut Knaust Dr. Kien Lim