Achieving the Healthy Lifestyle: The ultimate guide to a better you Nash Jocic
- Intellectual being - Emotional being - Physical being HEALTHY LIFESTYLE Healthy lifestyle is the lifestyle that will allow you to optimize your:
ACHIEVING A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE - Knowledge - Motivation - Action - Healthy eating - Exercise
KNOWLEDGE - Acquiring the relevant knowledge (information) - Identifying goals and strategies that will help achieving them - Building necessary confidence that will result in motivation
MOTIVATION - Motivation has to be born from foundation of knowledge - Motivation arises from confidence about right goals and ways of achieving them - System of values and how to identify them
ACTION - Action is the only natural consequence that will come after knowledge and motivation - Making decisions and bringing them into action - Action is the mother of all changes
HEALTHY EATING - - Balanced intake of macro and micronutrients - - The amount and type of calories - - Right combination of food - - Right timing for eating - - Different natures of food
EXERCISE - Frequency - Intensity - Timing - Types of exercises - Benefits of weight training: hormonal changes muscle growth faster metabolism increased insulin sensitivity fat loss increased bone density improved agility better mobility increased longevity
BIOLOGICAL vs NUMERICAL AGING -Aging starts with loss of strength, loss of muscle tissue and hormonal deficiency -Biologically we can start aging at any stage of our lives -Numerical aging cannot be stopped but can be accelerated with poor lifestyle -Biological aging can be reversed with healthy lifestyle
FAT LOSS VERSUS WEIGHT LOSS - Weight loss is irrelevant - Fat loss is what matters - Types of body fat - Body fat and health risks
IMPORTANCE OF SUPPLEMENTATION IN YOUR DIET - Necessity of supplementing our food - Difference between the metallic and colloidal micronutrients - Bioactivity and absorption of common supplements
ADVANTAGE OF Tahitian Noni® Bioactive Beverages IN YOUR DIET - The quality and absorption of supplements - Noni as the source of plant derived colloidal micronutrients - The unique combination of essential micronutrients and phytochemicals in noni plant - Advanced production technology behind preservation of bioactivity in Tahitian Noni® Bioactive Beverage - Benefits