Physical Properties OBJ: We will create a word wall to further our understanding of scientific vocabulary. TEK 6.6A Warm up: Draw and label the measurements with the correct units for science! cm
Luster The way it reflects light; shiny or dull
Ductile Can be drawn into wire
Brittleness How easily it breaks
Malleability How well it can be hammered into sheets
Magnetism Attracted or not attracted to a magnet
Conductivity How well it allows electricity to move through
Recall: Physical properties is anything you can observe using your senses. Summary: Which word was your favorite? Why? Out: Half page reflection on what you learned and what you did during this class period.
Elements We will be able to describe properties of elements by taking notes and making observations Warm up: Draw the picture and finish the sentence This is a __________, it measures ___________ in units of ___________.
Examples & Non-examples What’s the Pattern?
Your turn to create an “Example.”
Element: An element is a pure substance that is composed of the same type of matter throughout and cannot be divided into simpler substances through normal processes
Why do “examples” represent elements while the “non-examples” don’t?
Recall: Write your own definition of what an element is. Summary: What did you do today to be successful? Out: Half page reflection on what you learned and what you did during this class period.
Metals and Non-metals OBJ: We will conduct and investigation to determine physical properties of various elements. WARM up: list all the physical properties of tin foil
SAFETY Only use the tools for what they are intended for! Remember and foul play and you will receive a zero for this lab! Flashlight- do not shine in anyone’s eyes Do not put anything in your mouth! Do not drop or crush any item Do no touch anyone with your tools or items Leave materials in the petri dish while conducting your tests
Station A – Carbon Record all findings on the Metals and Nonmetals Student Data Table. Materials: carbon magnet flashlight conductivity tester Procedure: 1. Test the carbon sample with the flashlight to test for luster. 2. Test the carbon sample with the magnet to test for magnetic attraction. 3. Test the carbon sample with the conductivity tester to test for its ability to conduct a current.
PropertyDescriptionCarbon (C) Iron (Fe) Lead (Pd) Sulfer (S) Copper (Cu) Aluminum (Al) DuctileCan be drawn into wire Luster *The way it reflects light; shiny or dull BrittlenessHow easily it breaks MalleabilityHow well it can be hammered into sheets Magnetism*Attracted or not attracted to a magnet Conductivity * How well it allows electricity to move through PART 2: Label the element as a metal or non-metal
Metals and Non-metals (2) OBJ: We will conduct and investigation to determine physical properties of various elements. Warm up: Draw and complete the sentence This is a ________ it measures, __________ in units of _________
METALS usually… Are silver-grey in color Are solids at room temperature (except for Mercury) Reflect light when polished (luster) Can be bent or hammered flat (malleable) Can be drawn into wire (ductile) Are strong and resist bending and breaking (tensile strength) Have a characteristic sound when struck with an object (sonorous) Have high melting points Have high boiling points Are good conductors of heat and electricity Have high densities (heavy for their size) Are attracted to a magnet
NONMETALS usually… Exist as solids, liquids, or gases at room temperature Do not reflect light well (no luster) Are brittle Cannot be hammered flat (not malleable) Cannot be drawn into wire (not ductile) Are soft and bend or break easily (low tensile strength) Don’t have a characteristic sound when struck with an object (not sonorous) Have low melting points Have low boiling points Are poor conductors of heat and electricity Have low densities (light for their size) Are not attracted to a magnet
Complete PART 2 on the chart! Were all the materials you tested easy to separate into metals or non-metals? What properties helped you to separate the materials? Did all metals give the same results? Which metals did you find not to be attracted to a magnet? Which metals did not have luster? Why don’t all the metals behave the same way?
Recall: Describe what a metal would look like. Summary: What did you do today to be successful? Out: Half page reflection on what you learned and what you did during this class period.