History, Customs and Traditions
Looking for Dates Wishing ‘Happy Valentine's Day' to all We Love Valentine's Day Custom of Exchanging Notes Valentine's Day Tradition of Exchanging Gifts An Occasion to Dine and Wine Valentine's Day Celebrations in Schools
One of the most popular customs of Valentine's Day is to go on a date with sweetheart. Those without a date start looking for one days before the festival. The custom originated from the popular English belief that birds chose their partners on February 14. For this reason, Valentines Day was called “the Birds' Wedding Day”.
In the beginning, Valentine's Day was associated with romantic couples only. Now, people wish ‘Happy Valentine's Day' to anyone they love - father, mother, teachers, friends, or just anyone special to them. The idea behind this tradition is to celebrate love, get love and give love to everyone around us.
In several countries including United States and Canada there is a tradition to organize Valentine's Day classroom parties in schools. Сhildren exchange chocolates and Valentine's Day cards with their friends. British children sing special Valentine's Day song and receive candies and chocolates as reward. Senior school children usually organize Valentine's Day dance parties and have fun with friends.
Valentine's Day RosesValentine's Day HeartsCupidLovebirds & Doves Love KnotsValentines Day Lace
Rose is one of the most popular flower and one of the most powerful symbol of Valentine's Day. Since time immemorial rose flower has been a favorite of poets and romantics at heart. For them, the lovely rose stand for beauty, passion and love.
Red heart is a traditional symbol of Valentine's Day. Heart symbolizes love. Today, one finds great use of red heart symbol especially heart shaped red balloons in Valentine's Day decoration. Stuffed red heart decorated with a lace is a popular Valentine's Day Gift.
Love is... a tender feeling, Love is... a way of being, Love is... just showing someone you care. Love is... helping with the dishes, Love is... feeding your pet fishes, Love is... just giving from your heart. Love is so very simple, It's not a mystery. When you treat those around you The very same way You want them to treat you. Love is... your baby sister, Love is... playing with her, Love is... holding her when she cries. Love is... sharing your candy, Love is... being all that you can be, Love is... lending a helping hand when someone needs you. Love is... L-О- V- E Love is... For you and me. Oh! Love is the greatest thing in the world.