Creative Things with Digital Photography
Film vs. Digital Film camera inexpensive Film developing costs Quality of shots Photo developing problems Need scanner to transfer photos Discarding bad photos
Digital vs. Film Equipment expensive Need editing software Immediate feedback No film developing Reuseable storage system
Digital Camera Issues Purpose and cost Resolution and image size Zoom capability Memory / storage capacity Retrieval of images Battery capability Editing software
Digital Photo Ideas Digital photo sketch Digital Photo
James Busy, grumpy, friendly and wonderful Oldest brother of Rick, Bruce and Joe Who feels crazy, scared and loved Who gives friendship, help and kindness Who fears public speaking, heights and small places Who likes steak, old music and photography Who dreams to read and write better, a nice home and to see the world Lives in XXXXX XXXXX Bio Poems
Digital Photos
Photo Editing
Digital Information on the Internet
Source for Adobe's Photoshop (A fairly expensive software that allows you to manipulate photos, art work etc.) Photo Deluxe also available here. An inexpensive software that does some of the same things that Photoshop offer. Easy to use and maneuver free program that lets you put a new photo on your desktop and screen saver every day. Internet Sources
Try Photo Shop Pro, photo editing software, for a brief period of time. /00-1/lesson0042.shtml Lesson to make a digital quilt qvuses.htm 1001 uses for a digital camera More Internet Sources
lessons/lesson20.html Picture This: Photography in Adult Basic Education (lesson plan) One Last Internet Source
Things to do with a Digital Camera Document students' progress for portfolios, etc. Photo journal Class yearbook/scrapbook Calendar (Invent It or Avery's Photo Calendar Kit) Pictorial alphabet book (Family Literacy )
More Activities Photograph new tutors. Put pictures in database or on tutor information sheets. Photograph students. Put pictures in database or on student information sheets Have the students photo document their neighborhoods and then write about them.
Use photo editing options and create picture watermarks for students' biographies. Use photos to incorporate them into Power Point presentations, etc. Even More Activities
For math, take photos of angles, triangles, things that are parallel, perpendicular, circular, etc. Take pictures to document "The Day in the Life of.... " Photos for greeting cards, business cards, etc. More Activities
Photos to make T-shirt transfers. (Need special paper, software often comes with paper) Photos for concepts/vocabulary taught in ESL classes. Photos of staff (volunteers, etc.). Post on bulletin boards, etc.
More Activities Using photo editing, create "coloring book" (Family Literacy) Using photo editing create "fun money" for reward coupons for Family Literacy activities
Photograph community landmarks. Students create a brochure about the community Photograph objects that are the same color, shape, number or alphabet. (Family Literacy) More Activities
Create a set of cards naming such abstract concepts or emotions such as freedom, love, hate, honor, joy, etc. Have students select a card and take a photograph illustrating that concept.
Have students go on a photographic scavenger hunt, taking pictures of the objects they find rather than retrieving the objects themselves. Even More Activities
More Activities Take pictures related to whatever topic you're studying. Have students write about them. Pictures provide a good visual prompt for creative writing
Have students take pictures, exchange them and then have students write about the photos Check out digital camera to students for the weekend Finally, More Activities