Targets PGP and SV Describe the components of the PGG and PGP. Identify key parts of a PGP and PGG from a sample. Be able to locate SV material on KDE web site. Determine how SV supports the PGP process.
Needs Assess- ment In what areas do I need to grow? What skills or abilities do I need to develop? How do I know what I need? What data did I use? Goal Setting What skills or abilities will I develop? Is the goal “SMART”? Should it be? Teachers’ Professional Growth Planning Process
Action Plan What steps will we take meet our goal? What do I need to learn? What resources do I need? Evaluation Am I making progress? How do I know? Did I reach my goal? How do I know? Teachers’ Professional Growth Planning Process
Next Steps So what? What’s next? Teachers’ Professional Growth Planning Process
Initial Reflection Examine Data Develop the PGP Implement the PGP On-Going Reflection Evaluate What’s next? Collaboration between teacher and supervisor is KEY
The Professional Growth Plan (PGP) is intended to foster personal and professional growth and development of teachers for the purpose of enhancing teacher effectiveness to promote student learning.
Professional growth plans should _________ …be grade-specific. …be relevant to content. …be personal - based on self- assessment of needs. …connect student achievement to teacher learning.
Student Voice Survey
Why is Student Voice important? 11
12 …it matters. …it’s research based (MET study). …it's not secret. Student voice is important because…
Positive impact Click for full report 13
Multiple Versions Grades 6-12 and 3-5 (Language is grade appropriate…) Grades K – 2 (given orally in small groups) Administered at the classroom level. Data reported through CIITS and EDS 14
PGES – connecting the pieces… PGPs Student Voice
Supporting Material…
Targets PGP and SV Describe the components of the PGG and PGP. Identify key parts of a PGP and PGG from a sample. Be able to locate SV material on KDE web site. Determine how SV supports the PGP process.
Next Steps?