3 Chapter Food and Culture Culture and food supply determine the food customs of different regions and groups. Foods of other cultures can help you eat for wellness.
Content Vocabulary Academic Vocabulary diversity cuisine culture custom ethnic food environment regional food trait community
Different Food, Different Customs The flavors of healthful eating today show the rich diversity of global foods and cultures. diversity The variety of people of different races and cultures.
Different Food, Different Customs When you travel, you will find that it is fun to experience the cuisine of the area. cuisine The collection of typical foods and ways of preparing foods associated with a region, country, or cultural group.
Food and Culture Some parts of culture are easy to recognize, such as food, clothing, music, and language. culture The beliefs, values, attitudes, behaviors, history, and expressions shared by a group of people.
Food and Culture One custom is to have big family dinners on special holidays. Food customs include how food is prepared as well as when, where, how, and with whom it is eaten. custom The way a group of people traditionally behaves according to the rules of society including religion and etiquette.
Ethnic Background An ethnic group includes people with common cultural traits. traits Characteristics
Ethnic Background Ethnic food traditions are passed from parents to children, who learn to enjoy their family’s ethnic foods. Food traditions of many ethnic groups shaped today’s American cuisine. ethnic food Food commonly enjoyed by an ethnic group.
Religious Practices and Holiday and Celebration Customs Many religions use foods for symbolic purposes and feasts. In most cultures, certain foods are linked with certain events.
Local Food Supply People’s food choices are influenced by their environment. environment The external factors influencing the life and the activities of people.
Factors that affect commerce and food prices What grows or is available nearby Politics Trade policies Food safety regulations
Immigration and Travel Foods European travelers brought to the Americas Foods European travelers brought from the Americas back to Europe chickens cows wheat oats oranges carrots tomatoes potatoes chocolate I really don’t like this slide. It follows the manuscript, but I think it looks awful.
Foods of the United States and Canada Many immigrant groups have influenced American and Canadian cuisine: Germans: apple strudel Scandinavians: meatballs British Islanders: fish and chips Italians: pasta dishes Mexicans: tortillas Chinese: stir-fried vegetables
Foods the Americas Gave the World Corn Tomatoes Potatoes Beans Squash
Regional Foods Every region of the world has regional foods. Most regional foods develop because the climate and land are good for producing the ingredients. regional foods Food that is special to one geographic area.
Regional Foods Many regions of the US and Canada are known for their food: South: peach desserts, pecan pies New England/Southeast Canada: maple syrup Midwest: pork and corn Minnesota/central Canada: wild rice Upper Pacific Coast: salmon and berries Alaska: deer and elk Hawaii: pineapple I think this slide could be more pedagogically effective if a graphic organizer were used.
Your Passport to Nutrition Healthful Foods from Many Cultures Asian cuisines: sliced vegetables and tofu Mediterranean: fresh salads Hispanic: seasoned rice and beans Middle East: fruit soups and yogurt
Explore the World of Food Whether traveling in your community or another country, you can explore local foods. community The area, people, and structure in which a group of people may interact.
Explore the World of Food Visit local farmers’ markets and farms. Try foods at regional or ethnic festivals. Look for regional or ethnic foods in your supermarket. Eat local foods when you travel. Find interesting ethnic/regional recipes. Watch television shows about regional or ethnic foods. Eat at ethnic restaurants.
Respect Food and Cultural Diversity Learn about food customs. Ask questions to avoid stereotyping. Recognize that some foods that seem ethnic might not be. Remember that cultures and food customs change over time. Recognize foods and customs you have in common with other cultures.
Chapter 3 Assessment After You Read Review Key Concepts Explain the connection between culture and food choices. Culture determines many food customs, including the way food is prepared, when it is eaten, where it is eaten, how it is eaten, and with whom it is eaten. Culture can confer a high status, or value, on foods. In addition, aspects of culture like ethnicity, religion, holidays, and celebration customs can influence food choices.
Chapter 3 Assessment After You Read Review Key Concepts Describe influences on the development of the cuisines of the United States and Canada. Influences on the development of regional foods include the type of foods available in a region; the climate and geography, which influences what can be grown in the region and what types of animal life can be found or raised there; and the ethnic diversity of the people who live in the region, who may have brought food traditions and new ingredients from their places of origin.
Chapter 3 Assessment After You Read Review Key Concepts Identify ways to learn about healthful foods from other cultures. Buy locally grown foods at farmers’ markets in different places; try foods at regional or ethnic festivals; buy ethnic foods at supermarkets; eat local foods when you travel; find ethnic recipes in cookbooks; watch television shows about ethnic cooking; eat at ethnic restaurants; ask foreign friends to teach you how to prepare foods from their homelands.
End of Chapter 3 Food and Culture