PETA A Presentation by Josh Selkowitz Please be aware that no animals were harmed in making this presentation!
Brief History The PETA foundation was created in March 1980 by Ingrid Newkirk and Alex Pacheco. PETA is an animal rights non-profit organization. The organization claims to have three million members and supporters. This makes PETA the largest animal rights group in the world.
Mission Statement PETA’s mission is to protect animal rights. Their slogan is "animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on, use for entertainment or abuse in any way.“ PETA focuses its attention on the four areas in which the largest numbers of animals suffer the most intensely. They are factory farms, clothing trade, labs, and in the entertainment industry.
Mission Statement cont. PETA also concerns itself with the cruelty of killing of beavers, birds, and other “pests”. In addition to the cruelty to domesticated animals.
Membership PETA has more than more than 3 million members and supporters worldwide. The organization also has around 300 employees. Some celebrities that support PETA include James Cromwell Alyssa Milano, Charlize Theron and Alicia Silverstone.
Membership cont. In order to become a member of PETA, all you have to do is donate an annual minimum of $16. Who wouldn’t want to help out this cut dog in need?
Issues One of PETA’s main concerns involving the physical and verbal abuse that animals are receiving. Exposing animal cruelty. Another issue that PETA is facing is the fact that they need people to help give the animals in danger a voice.
Issues cont. PETA successfully lobbied Congress into limiting EPA spending. You see PETA argued that the endocrine disruptor screening program that the EPA was conducting was unsuccessful and killing animals in the process. As a result PETA suggested that the funding that the EPA is getting to conduct these experiments should be used on non-animal subjects. PETA emerged victories from this quest at Congress.
Websit e The first thing that grabs my attention is the huge message highlight board when I first log onto the site. The next thing on the site is that grabs my attention is the orange “donate” box.
Getting Involved PETA is hiring. People can also intern with PETA. Anyone can join PETA’s action team and help animals. Of course the most important way to contribute to PETA is to DONATE!!!