Status and Problems of Conservation in Hawaii Zeenath Sheikh Environmental and Plant Biology Department
Questions What is conservation and factors affecting it ? What is biological diversity and factors affecting and controlling it? What are the Problems arising in conservation in Hawaii? What is biological diversity of Hawaii ? Factors threatening biological diversity in Hawaii ? Role of Natural conservancy in conservation of Hawaii ? Techniques followed by Nature conservancy to achieve conservation in Hawaii?
Questions contd… What is the planning and protection methods followed in Hawaii to implement conservation ? What is the conservation education undertaken in Hawaii ? Nature conservancy preserves in Hawaii? Endangered species in Hawaii? Future plans of Nature conservancy for Hawaii? Organizations helping in conservation in Hawaii?
Conservation Maintaining biological diversity by applying the principles of ecology, biogeography, population genetics, economics,sociology, anthropology, philosophy, and other theoretically based disciplines. (Meffe et al., 1997)
Biological Diversity Biological diversity - or biodiversity - is the term given to the variety of life on Earth and the natural patterns it forms (Muller 2003) A simple measure of biological diversity is the number of species in a given area (Stone and Stone 1989).
Biological Diversity contd.. The biodiversity we see today is the fruit of billions of years of evolution, shaped by natural processes and, increasingly, by the influence of humans (Muller 2003) Species checklist is the most common form of data for this kind of measurement (Stone and Stone 1989).
Factors Affecting Biological Diversity 1. Limiting Factors 2. Physical Complexity 3. Biological Interactions (Stone and Stone 1989) –Water – Nutrients – Space –Land type(dry/wet, Island/ peninsula) – Land elevation (high /low) – Periodic disturbances - Commensalism – Mutualism – Parasitism
Factors Threatening Biological Diversity 1.Human overpopulation 3. Invasion of alien plants and species 4. Nuclear war and nuclear winter 5. Air pollution and climatic change 2. Fragmentation of habitat (Stone and Stone 1989)
Biological Diversity Of Hawaii 1. Plant Diversity 2. Animal Diversity 3. Landscape Diversity
Uniqueness of Hawaii Hawaii's Economy Depends on its Environment Potential New Discoveries in Medicine Hawaii's Culture is Linked to its Rich Natural Heritage Hawaii's Rich Agricultural Heritage Hawai`i is a Center for Scientific Study
Factors Threatening Biological Diversity in Hawaii 1. overpopulation 3. Invasion species 4. Pollution 2. Agriculture 5. Deforestation 6. Illiteracy
Invasive plants and animals –Goats, deer, wild pigs and the weed miconia (represent the greatest threat to East Maui's forests) –foreign insects, snakes, plants and pests. –Feral pigs trample delicate nesting birds. –Rosy wolfsnails gorge themselves on the island's native snails –Miconia plants shade out native plants and hurt water quality. Invasive species of hawaii
Some 63 % of Hawaii’s species are at risk of extinction, the highest proportion in the U.S., 217 species are already known to have been lost, the gravest total. Proposed danger
Conservation in Hawaii Hawai`i has worked with its federal, state, and private partners to protect more than 200,000 acres of Hawaii's natural areas that shelter native species, many of which are found nowhere else in the world.
Natural conservancy The Nature Conservancy uses non-confrontational, market-based economic solutions to protect habitat: a win-win approach to conservation. Working only with willing sellers and donors, the Conservancy protects land through: Gifts exchanges Conservation easements Management agreements Purchases from the Conservancy's revolving Land Preservation Fund Debt-for-nature swaps Management partnerships
Nature Conservancy Preserves In Hawaii I.Island of Hawai`i Kona Hema Preserve Ka’u Preserve II. Island of Maui East Maui Watershed Waikomoi Preserve West Maui Mountains Watershed Kapunakea Preserve III. Island of Lana`i Kanepu’u Preserve Lana’i Forest and Watershed Partnership
VI. Island of Kaua`i Kaluahonu Preserve IV. Island of Moloka`i East Moloka’I Watershed Pelekunu Preserve Kamakou Preserve Mo’omomi Preserve V. Island of O`ahu Honouliuli Preserve ‘ihj’jhilauakea Preserve Ko’olau Mountains Watershed Nature Conservancy Preserves In Hawaii contd..
Preserves In Hawaii
Island Of Hawaii Preserves
Hawaii Preserves, Honouliuli, Island of O’ahu Pristine native forest
Kona Hema Preserve, Island of Hawaii 75% of all native species occupies 1.5 m acres of land, biggest
Island Of Maui Preserves
East Maui Watershed
West Maui Mountains Watershed Biologically diverse and pristine in the islands Threatened by invasive species like insects and plant diseases
Waikomoi Preserve Has 63 rare plant species and 13 rare bird species (7 endangered)
Kapunakea Preserve Has 24 species of rare plants, including four endangered species Has only known kauila tree of its kind on Maui
Island of Lana`I Preserves
Kanepu’u Preserve Has guided hike paths Has several patches of an old, extremely rare Hawaiian dryland forest still remain Represents one of the last remaining examples of a dry lowlands forest that once covered the main Hawaiian islands. Gardenia brighamii
Lana’i Forest and Watershed Partnership Ensures the future supply of water for the island of Lana`i, Protect the health of near-shore waters, fisheries and beaches
Island of Moloka`i Preserves
Mo’omomi Preserve Has rare coastal species than in any other single place in the main Hawaiian Islands. 22 native Hawaiian plant species (four globally rare or endangered) Has native beaches which has been lost to coastal development
East Moloka’i Watershed To protect high quality native Hawaiian rain forest communities
Kamakou Preserve Has 250 species of Hawaiian plants of which can be found nowhere else in the world. Has countless native insects, supporting a unique array of birds.
Island of O`ahu Preserves
‘Ihj’jhilauakea Preserve Located in extinct crater on O'ahu's southeast end Contains rare Marsilea villosa fern, also known as 'ihi'ihi,
Honouliuli Preserve 70 rare and endangered plant and animal species Has dark fertile lands that stretch from the waters of Pearl Harbor to the summit of the Wai`anae Mountains
Endangered Species Of Hawaii Animal species – Hawaiin Hawk –Hawaiin hoary bat –Hawksbill Turtles Plant Species –Tetramolopium rockii Hawaiin Hawk
Future Plans of Nature Conservancy Nature Conservancy to Protect Critical Nesting Beach for Endangered Hawksbill Turtles The Nature Conservancy of Hawai`i has signed an agreement to purchase 24 acres of oceanfront property at Kamehame Beach on the Island of Hawai`i to help ensure the protection of the endangered Hawaiian hawksbill turtle.
Conservation Education In Hawaii Teaching the importance of conservation in schools and colleges Starting voluntary organizations Encouraging student participation in conservation programs. Educating target groups about conservation. Recognition of participation.
Organisations Helping in Conservation in Hawaii U.S. Forest Service Nature Conservancy East Maui Watershed Partnership West Maui Mountains Watershed Partnership East Moloka`i Watershed Partnership Ko`olau Mountains Watershed Partnership Coordinating Group on Alien Pest Species Maui Invasive Species Committee Big Island Invasive Species Committee O'ahu Invasive Species Committee Malama Hawai'I The Maui County Board of Water Supply
Organisations Helping in Conservation in Hawaii Kamehameha Schools C. Brewer and Company Limited Amfac/JMB Hawaii, L.L.C. The Nature Conservancy of Hawai`i Maui Land & Pineapple Co., Inc. State Department of Land and Natural Resources County of Maui Board of Water Supply Haleakala Ranch Co. East Maui Irrigation Co., Ltd. Haleakala National Park Hana Ranch
Organisations Helping in Conservation in Hawaii Castle & Cooke Resorts LLC Hui Malama Pono O Lana`i Maui County Board of Water Supply U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service State of Hawai`i, Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife The Nature Conservancy of Hawai'i USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Molokai-Lana`i Soil and Water Conservation District Lana`i Water Advisory Committee State of Hawai`i Department of Land and Natural Resources, Commission on Water Resource Management Maui County
References Meffe K.Gary, C.Ronald Carroll and contributors. Principles of Conservation Biology Stone P.Charles, Danielle B.Stone. Conservation Biology in Hawaii Williamson, M Island populations. Oxford University Press, Oxford, England. Muller WEG, Brummer F, Batel R, Muller IM, Schroder HC Molecular biodiversity. Case study: Porifera (sponges) Naturwissenschaften 90 (3): MAR 2003