8 th Grade Science Morton Middle School
Cover Page Your Name Date Class Period Teacher’s Name Title of the Lab Report Steve Skeleton August 19, st Period Mrs. Woods The Effect of Water on the Growth of Geraniums
Sections Section 1 - Introduction Introduce the research question or problem. (1 paragraph minimum) Section 2 - Hypothesis Write the hypothesis. Should be only a few sentences. Section 3 - Materials Provide a list of materials used in the experiment or activity. Introduction My mother grows geraniums at our house, they are her favorite flower. We noticed that some geraniums do not grow as well as others. I wonder how the amount of water they receive impacts their growth? Hypothesis If I increase the amount of water, then geraniums will grow taller because plants require a lot of water to grow. Materials The following materials will be needed for the experiment: Geranium seeds 6 inch pots (6 of them) 1 small bag of potting soil Tap water Graduated cyclinder Metric ruler
Sections Section 4 – Experiment/Procedure A step-by-step description on how to perform the experiment. Should be detailed so that anyone could repeat your experiment exactly. Procedure 1. Fill all six inch pots with potting soil. 2.Place three geranium seeds in each pot 2 cm below the surface of the soil. 3.Cover seeds with potting soil. 4.Place all six pots in a sunny area. 5.Label two pots as 5 ml, two as 10 ml, and two as 15 ml. 6.Each day pour the amount of water into each pot. 7.Every Friday for three months, measure the height of the plant. 8.Record the data in a table labeled plant growth. Data Table 1. Plant Growth
Sections Section 5 – Data Graphs, charts, and data tables are included in this section of the report. All should have titles. Graphs should be properly labeled and include a key. Can be hand drawn or made on a computer. How Water Effects Geranium Plant Growth KEY Triangle = 10mL of water Square = 15mL of water Diamond = 5mL of water
Sections Section 6 - Conclusion Summarizes your lab experiment or activity (1 paragraph minimum). Explain how your experiment either supports or disagrees with your hypothesis. Describe what you learned and/or how you could improve the experiment. Conclusion In this experiment, plants were given different amounts of water to see the effect it would have in the plant’s growth rate. The data I collected was inconclusive. All three amounts of water kept the plants alive and allowed them to grow. Increasing the amount of water did not cause a significant increase in plant growth, which was surprising. I will need to develop another hypothesis and test it. Some other possible variables that control plant growth might be the size of the pot, the type of soil, or the amount of sunlight. I will need to pick one and try a new experiment. I hope I can discover a way to improve my mom’s ability to grow geraniums.