Religious Studies World Religions Introduction
Religious Studies World Religions - an Introduction There are over 40 organised religions in the world today. Of these 40, 6 are recognised as major world religions.
Religious Studies World Religions - an Introduction During this block of lessons you will find out about the six major world religions, including: where they started who started them basic facts about them an idea of the links between them the reasons for some of the conflicts between them We need to know this so we can understand, discuss and debate religious issues properly
Religious Studies Religions - an Introduction The World’s major six religions split into two broad groups: Western – Judaism, Christianity and Islam Eastern – Hinduism, Buddhism and Sikhism We will look at all the Western religions first and then we will look at the Eastern religions.
Religious Studies World Religions Lesson 8 – Western Religions
Religious Studies Lesson 1 - Western Religions Today you will: find out about the basics of the western religions and links between them complete a comprehension task watch a visual source discuss one area of conflict
Religious Studies Western Religion Links Map of the Middle east showing where the Western Religions began
Religious Studies Western Religion Links Judaism ________________________________ Christianity ________________ Islam ___ All the Western religions trace their relationship with God back to Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden. They all believe that God created the world and that he still has a relationship with humans.
Religious Studies Western religions – Judaism Judaism began about 4000 years ago in a land called Canaan (now called Israel). With a man called Abraham. Jews believe that they are descendants of Abraham. Abraham did not follow the ideas of his time, worshiping many gods, he worshipped one god. God promised Abraham land and that he would become the father of a great nation. He was led to Canaan. Some 500 years later Moses received the Jewish laws from God on Mount Sinai. Jews have tried to follow these laws through history. Their holy book is called the Torah.
Religious Studies Western religions - Christianity Christianity also began in Israel (then called Palestine) after the death of Jesus of Nazareth about 2000 years ago. Jesus was a Jewish teacher who was put to death by being nailed to a cross. Christians believe that he rose from the dead and was the Son of God (or God in human form), sent to save people from their sins. Christianity was spread quickly by Jesus’s followers, including St Paul. It came to Rome in it’s first 100 years. The New Testament was later put together with Jewish teachings to become the Bible.
Religious Studies Western religions - Islam Islam began in the country we now call Saudi Arabia when the prophet Muhammad started preaching in about 1400 years ago. Muslims believe in one God, Allah, and that Muhammad was his last prophet. However, they believe that Abraham (Ibrahim), Moses (Musa) and Jesus (‘Isa) were Allah’s prophets too. Muhammad had a vision of the Angel Gabriel (Jibril) on Mount Hira who asked him to recite the words of Allah which later became the Qur’an (the Muslim’s holy book). Through Muhammad’s preaching the religion spread quickly throughout the Middle East.
Religious Studies Western religions Links – Task Match the heads and tails: Judaism, Christianity & Islam began … All three religions believe … God promised Abraham that … Christians believe that Jesus … Muhammad’s preaching was based on … … the words given to him from Allah … in the Middle East … in one God so they are monotheists … was the Son of God … he would be the father of a great nation When you are finished check your answers with a friend
Religious Studies Western religions – The People As all three religions trace their history back to God through Adam and Eve, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad we are going to focus our attention on these people. We start today with Abraham. Abraham (Testament)
Religious Studies Western religions Links – The conflict So Abraham was promised the land of Canaan, later known as Palestine and now called Israel. But Abraham had two sons, who should inherit from him? Should it be Ishmael (first born child of Abraham) or should it be Isaac (the son of Abraham and his wife Sarah)? What has this got to do with religion and conflict today? Over the next couple of lessons we will explore the issue of God’s promises and his expectations some more.
Religious Studies Lesson 1 - Western Religions Today have you: found out about the basics of the western religions and links between them? completed a comprehension task? watched a visual source? discussed one area of conflict?
Religious Studies Lesson 1 - Western Religions