Curriculum Council Richard Nafshun, Chair June 12, 2014
Three Proposals: New Degree Proposal: Religious Studies #89874 Renaming an Academic Proposal: BS in BioHealth Sciences #85460 Engineering Management Graduate Option: MEngr in Industrial Engineering
New Degree Proposal - Religious Studies #89874 Executive Summary: To establish a major in Religious Studies at Oregon State University; reviving a major field that was part of Oregon State’s curricular offerings from the 1940s through College of Liberal Arts, School of History, Philosophy, and Religion A major in religious studies does not teach religion, it teaches about religion in an academic setting. In the past five years, nearly 9,000 students have enrolled in courses pertinent to the proposed major (~36,000 credit hours). Encouraged by an external review observation that OSU has a “golden opportunity” to expand its course and institutional offerings in religious studies.
New Degree Proposal - Religious Studies #89874 Executive Summary: Every institution in the State of Oregon with a major in religious studies has provided support for our proposal. Evidence of market demand - Religious Studies offers opportunities for graduate education and career development similar to opportunities presented through other fields in the humanities and social sciences. Student Enrollment and Number of Majors Budget
New Degree Proposal - Religious Studies #89874 Curriculum Council unanimously approved this proposal.
Renaming an Academic Proposal: BS in BioHealth Sciences #85460 Executive Summary: This proposal aims to rename the existing BS in General Science (GS) degree to the BS in BioHealth Sciences (BHS) and to bring the degree under the administrative management of the Department of Microbiology. General Science is a degree that principally serves students with plans to pursue professional degrees in the health sciences. Eleven Options currently address various health specializations: Pre-clinical laboratory science, pre-dentistry, pre-medicine, pre-nursing education, pre-occupational therapy, pre- optometry, pre-pharmacy, pre-physical therapy, pre-physician assistant, pre- podiatry, and pre-veterinary medicine. A twelfth option, pre-education, is also offered at OSU-Cascades. The most popular options in General Sciences are pre-pharmacy (50%), pre-dentistry (9%), pre-nursing (9%), and pre-physician assistant (10%), accounting for 78% of the 815 Fall 2013 students.
Renaming an Academic Proposal: BS in BioHealth Sciences #85460 Executive Summary: Reasons for name change: General Science is a degree built on specific health profession outcomes, embodied in 12 Options, one of which students must select. The degree is designed to accommodate pre-health professional school requirements, while providing a broad-based science and liberal arts education. The General Science name does not align with these degree program outcomes, thus necessitating a name change. The proposed name, BioHealth Sciences, accurately reflects the strong emphasis on academic preparation of pre-health professionals in the context of a broader biological sciences degree. This combined training in general biology with an emphasis on human health is a foundation for many career paths.
Renaming an Academic Proposal: BS in BioHealth Sciences #85460 Executive Summary: Budget
Renaming an Academic Proposal: BS in BioHealth Sciences #85460 Curriculum Council unanimously approved this proposal.
Engineering Management Graduate Option: MEngr in Industrial Engineering Executive Summary: “New Online Program Development: Master of Engineering in Industrial Engineering, Engineering Management Option” The Master of Engineering degree in Industrial Engineering (MEng IE) offers students the opportunity to pursue advanced study in the fields of industrial and/or manufacturing engineering without also having to complete a research thesis or project. This coursework-only degree is concerned with the practical application of specialized, graduate-level engineering knowledge.
Engineering Management Graduate Option: MEngr in Industrial Engineering Executive Summary: MEng Industrial Engineering programs of study comprise a minimum of 45 credits of graduate-level coursework, distributed as follows: Core Credits: IE 552: Design of Industrial Experiments (3 credits) IE 563: Advanced Production Planning and Control (3 credits) (Not required for students with a baccalaureate degree in industrial engineering) Major Coursework: At least 24 credits from one of the IE areas of concentration
Engineering Management Graduate Option: MEngr in Industrial Engineering Budget: “For coordination, course development, and program delivery” Scott Ashford, Dean College of Engineering Lisa Templeton, Executive Director OSU Extended Campus Robert Stone, Professor and Interim Head School of Mechanical, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
Engineering Management Graduate Option: MEngr in Industrial Engineering Curriculum Council unanimously approved this proposal.