Agree Disagree 1._______ ________ 2._______ ________ 3._______ ________ 5._______ ________ 4._______ ________ The heat from inside Earth can be used to.


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Presentation transcript:

Agree Disagree 1._______ ________ 2._______ ________ 3._______ ________ 5._______ ________ 4._______ ________ The heat from inside Earth can be used to generate energy. Solar power can be used to generate electricity 24 hours a day. Solar power is the most used renewable energy source in the U.S. Hydroelectric power can be used to generate electricity in any part of the world. The best places for wind farms in North Carolina are in the mountains and along the coast.

Chapter 5, section 4 Renewable Energy Sources

I. Solar Energy A. Photovoltaic Cell – converts the sun’s energy into electrical energy B. Solar Reflectors – uses mirrors to concentrate sunlight and heat water

Solar Thermal


II. Wind A. Wind Turbine – kinetic energy from wind spins a turbine

III. Geothermal A. Geothermal Energy – water is and heated into steam by magma in Earth’s crust.

IV. Flowing Water A. Hydroelectric Power – moving water spins a turbine, generating electricity

V. Pros and Cons A. Pros – does not run out, free energy source, less/no pollution created B. Cons –only works in certain locations, $ investment

Agree Disagree 1._______ ________ 2._______ ________ 3._______ ________ 5._______ ________ 4._______ ________ The heat from inside Earth can be used to generate energy. Solar power can be used to generate electricity 24 hours a day. Solar power is the most used renewable energy source in the U.S. Hydroelectric power can be used to generate electricity in any part of the world. The best places for wind farms in North Carolina are in the mountains and along the coast.