‘RU’ Ready Recertification? - September Joe Decker Joe Decker Recertification Chairman Youngstown- Warren Section
Introduction What is a Recertification Journal? What is a Recertification Journal? What is the Recertification process? What is the Recertification process?
Topics of Discussion Who? Who? Why? Why? When? When? HOW?? HOW??
Who? Certified Quality Engineers Certified Quality Engineers Certified Reliability Engineers Certified Reliability Engineers Certified Quality Auditors Certified Quality Auditors –CQA – HACCP –CQA - Biomedical Certified Quality Managers Certified Quality Managers Certified Software Quality Engineers Certified Software Quality Engineers Certified Six Sigma Black Belt Certified Six Sigma Black Belt Certified Calibration Technician Certified Calibration Technician Not a complete list Not a complete list
WHY? To ensure ASQ-certified quality professionals maintain the same level of “state-of-the-practice” knowledge and expertise as demonstrated when originally certified.
WHEN? Up to six months before expiration date Up to six months before expiration date No later than six months after expiration date No later than six months after expiration date Special cases Special cases –Retired Status –Synchronization of certifications
HOW????.18 Point (RU’s) Recertification Journal Cost is only $30-$50 (members) OR L Recertification by Examination! –(There’s plenty of seats available!) Cost is only $130** ** - Members Only; Non-CQM
Recertification Unit Credits What are they? What are they? How do I get them? How do I get them? How much are they? How much are they?
Criteria: Knowledge Broadening or Job Enhancing Professional learning activity that benefits you in your job Professional learning activity that benefits you in your job Learning activity that helps you apply job knowledge Learning activity that helps you apply job knowledge Job-related activity that increases your product knowledge Job-related activity that increases your product knowledge
Examples Employment Employment Educational Enhancements Educational Enhancements –College –Non College Professional Activities Professional Activities –Local section meetings
Categories: Professional Development Professional Development Employment Employment Courses Courses –Instructor –Student Meetings Meetings Committees Committees Certifications Certifications Exam Proctoring Exam Proctoring Electronic Media Electronic Media Publishing Publishing –Paper –Book –Presentation
Professional Development/ Educational Activities 1 CEU = 1 RU or 0.1 RU/hr Max = 9 RUs Conferences, seminars, forums, workshops Conferences, seminars, forums, workshops Sponsored by company or professional society Sponsored by company or professional societyExamples –AQC (3.0 RUs) –Pre- & Post- conference tutorials –Division conferences –Section conferences
Certifications: 1.0 RU/Cert 3.0 Max Examples –CQIA –CQE –CQA –CQM –etc Must be earned during certification period Must be earned during certification periodDocumentation: –Copy of certificate
Committees - 1.5/Com max Section, Division, Technical or National level (ASQ or other professional associations) Section, Division, Technical or National level (ASQ or other professional associations) –Education –Conferences –Recertification/ Professional Development –Programs/ Website Must contribute to advancement of quality profession Must contribute to advancement of quality profession Work-related committees do NOT qualify Work-related committees do NOT qualify
Committees Documentation: Letter from committee officer or section/division chair stating mission, frequency of meetings, duties and term of serviced on committee letterhead Letter from committee officer or section/division chair stating mission, frequency of meetings, duties and term of serviced on committee letterhead No minutes No minutes No Program Calendar No Program Calendar
Courses Student Student –College: 1 Semester Credit = 1 RU –Non-college: 1 CEU = 1 RU or.1 RU/hr of class –ASQ or Company Sponsored: 1 CEU=1RU OR.1/hr –Home Study: 1 CEU = 1 RU Max of 9.0 Instructor - 1 CEU = 1.5 RU or.15 RU/hr Instructor - 1 CEU = 1.5 RU or.15 RU/hr Max of 10.8
Courses: Student-College Examples –Mfg. Process - KSU –Intro to Plastics - University of Akron –Cost Accounting I - U of A –SPC - Stark State Documentation: Copy of official transcript or report card indicating course title and completion date Copy of official transcript or report card indicating course title and completion date
Courses: Student- Non- College Non-ASQ classes: Non-ASQ classes: –Employer sponsored –Proprietary schools –Consultant Training ASQ Classes ASQ ClassesExamples –Lead Assessor Trng. –TS16949 Trng. –Benchmarking –ISO9000 Systems –FMEA/PPAP Trng.
Courses: Student – Non- College Documentation: nCertificate of completion verifying hours, dates, and subject matter
Courses: Instructor Examples –Any applicable courses mentioned as student courses Must be in addition to job responsibilities Must be in addition to job responsibilitiesDocumentation: Letter from organization verifying course title dates and hours OR Letter from organization verifying course title dates and hours OR Course description with names and dates Course description with names and dates
Employment: FT: 3.6 RU/yr PT: 1.8 RU/yr 10.8 Max Documentation: Letter on company letterhead by direct supervisor or personnel department stating title, duties, dates of employment. Letter on company letterhead by direct supervisor or personnel department stating title, duties, dates of employment. NO BUSINESS CARDS or RESUMES NO BUSINESS CARDS or RESUMES
Meetings -.3 RU/meeting Max ASQ or other technical society meetings - professionally based – not purely social in nature ASQ or other technical society meetings - professionally based – not purely social in nature Clinics and workshops held directly before or after Clinics and workshops held directly before or afterDocumentation: Roster of attendees Roster of attendees Meeting notice signed by officer Meeting notice signed by officer Meeting tickets or receipts Meeting tickets or receipts
Professional Development/ Educational Activities Documentation: Proof of attendance Proof of attendance –badge –attendance roster –sign-in sheet –certificate of completion –travel voucher PLUS activity description - program guide, schedule, outline, etc. PLUS activity description - program guide, schedule, outline, etc.
Publishing max Author & Co-author credit Author & Co-author credit Articles/Papers 1 RU/0.5 RU Books 3 RU/ 1.5 RU Paper presentations 1.0 RU/ 1.0 RU
Publishing Documentation Presented papers - copy of entire program Presented papers - copy of entire program (emphasis on PUBLISHED) (emphasis on PUBLISHED) Articles - copy of article & Table of Contents Articles - copy of article & Table of Contents Books - title page PLUS Table of Contents Books - title page PLUS Table of Contents
Other Activities Exam Proctoring RU/exam – Exam Proctoring RU/exam – 7.0 Max Electronic Media RU/15 minutes max/3 yrs Electronic Media RU/15 minutes max/3 yrsDocumentation: Letter from ASQ Certification Dept. Letter from ASQ Certification Dept. Letter from supervisor with title and length Letter from supervisor with title and length
Synchronization Certificate Expiration Date CQM6/30/14 CQE12/31/13 CQA 12/31/12 ** Certificate Expiration Date CQM12/31/15 CQE12/31/15 CQA12/31/15 After synchronization:
Journal Submission ASQ Members - Section Recertification Chairman ASQ Members - Section Recertification Chairman Non-ASQ Members - ASQ National Headquarters Non-ASQ Members - ASQ National Headquarters –Include a copy of the certification(s) being recertified.
Journal Checklist CHECK or CREDIT CARD payable to ---ASQ----- CHECK or CREDIT CARD payable to ---ASQ----- Letter of employment Letter of employment Proof of hours attended Proof of hours attended Proof of attendance Proof of attendance Note of applicable Body of Knowledge Note of applicable Body of Knowledge DON’T WAIT UNTIL LAST MINUTE!!!! DON’T WAIT UNTIL LAST MINUTE!!!!
Journal Application –Certifications Recertification Recertification Download Application and Journal Download Application and Journal Sent to: Sent to: –PO Box 2301, Warren, OH – –