WHAT IS IT? “All knowledge is constructed from the base of prior knowledge” (Allison, Barrett, 2000). A teaching that is based on the belief that learning occurs when individuals are actively involved, as apposed to passively receiving information Involves critical thinking thus creating more motivated and independent learners Information gained based on personal experiences, and reflection
BACKGROUND Encompassed within progressive education (alternative education) Jean Piaget (Individual Cognitive Constructivism) Believed in scaffolding Experiences through play John Dewey and Lev Vygotsky (Social Constructivism) Experience and exploration centered learning
GOALS 1) Children to understand that the world is a complex and ever- changing place, where diversity exists 2) Children become individuals who act responsibly in their different environments 3) Children become self- confident in what they think, feel, and do 4) Children become responsible for their own learning
CHARACTERISTICS Learners actively involved Learners are self directed, inside the given parameter Activities are interactive and student-centered Teacher facilitates a learning process where they are encouraged to be responsible and independent
TEACHING METHOD Guided Discovery Teacher sets parameters Students learn through experimentation Teachers bring group back in to discuss and question Students learn to do the activity in new and various ways by practicing Repeat process
CONTENT Graham’s Wheel
CONTENT Skill Themes: Locomotor Manipulative Nonmanipulative Movement Concepts: Relationships Space awareness Effort
ASSESSMENT Based on observations of the students, verbal discussions, hands on activities, brainstorming, pre- testing Alternative assessments
SOURCES Allison, P. C., & Barrett, K. R. (2000). Constructing Children's Physical Education Experiences. Needham Heights, MA: Pearson Education Company.