Do a poster for a mosque to explain the 4th pillar of Islam: ZAKAT (duty to practice charity). Include answers to: What is Zakat & what does the word.


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Presentation transcript:

Do a poster for a mosque to explain the 4th pillar of Islam: ZAKAT (duty to practice charity). Include answers to: What is Zakat & what does the word mean? How much is it? Why must Muslims pay Zakat? How is the Zakat money spent?

Have you ever given fasted? How difficult do you find it ? What do you think you get out of keeping it?

3rd pillar: Sawm (fasting) To describe how Muslims keep the 3rd pillar. To explain why Muslims keep Ramadan To evaluate the benefits of keeping Ramadan. Return to the table as a Plenary: Looks at the progress they make throughout the lesson. Mindmap what you already know about Ramadam.

The Qu’ran says that Muslims must fast. Why does the fast take place in the month of Ramadan? Name and explain 3 benefits of practicing Ramadan. Look at what the quote and the picture are saying to help you. **How could “practicing self restraint” be important for someone? Discuss some examples. Muslims fast during Ramadan, because that is the month when the Qur’an was first revealed to Muhammad through the angel Jibril. The Qu’ran says that Muslims must fast. ‘O believers, you must fast so that you may learn self-restraint. Fasting is prescribed for you during a fixed number of days’ Surah 2:18-4

No smoking, drugs, sex during Ramadan Organise the points below to write your own flowing description of how to keep Ramadan. (NOT bullet points!) How is this similar/ different from Lent? Draw a picture to show what Muslims are not allowed to do No smoking, drugs, sex during Ramadan Ends with the festival “Eid-ul-Fitr”. Muslims give gifts, have a big meal, & give to charity, to thank Allah for helping them practice self-control. Make up any days missed or broken fasts. Give up food and water in the hours of daylight From dawn to dusk 30 days Give to charity pray more and read the Qu’ran. Break the fast at sunset with a large meal

WHEN is the month of “Ramadan”? Muslims follow a Lunar calendar. Lunar months are 11 days shorter then calendar months. So every year, the month of Ramadan is 11 days earlier than the year before. IN PAIRS 1. If Ramadan starts on 20th of July in 2012, when will Ramadan start in 2013 ? 2. Why could Ramadan be more difficult to keep when it falls in the height of British summer ?

Does Ruqaya feel that Ramadan is a positive or negative experience? Positive Negative

What did you find out about Ramadan today that you didn’t know at the beginning ?