LHCb EP/LBD V. Bobillier 1 Cables and chicane mock up What we would like to define or test with the mock up: if the installation (of both cable trays and cables in the trays) will be possible cable packing factor in the corners (curves) of the chicane passage maximum bending radius of the cables we will install may be define a relation between the bending radius and the packing factor at the critical position test if the installation of cable ducts (metallic or plastic) in the cable trays is feasible
LHCb EP/LBD V. Bobillier 2 System:Through Pass 84Through Pass 86 dm2Power cablesSignal cablesOptical fibersPower cablesSignal cablesOptical fibers VELO VETO Vaccum Calorimeter Inner Tracker Trigger Tracker Outer Tracker Muon Magnet DSS?????? Rich Rich TOTAL (without the cable trays) : Total cross section available through the chicanes:70 All numbers are in dm2 Total cross-section:
LHCb EP/LBD V. Bobillier 3 Chicane passage through the shielding wall Pass 84 Pass 86
LHCb EP/LBD V. Bobillier 4 Cable tray Cable ducts Cable trays Optical fibers Signal cables Power cables
LHCb EP/LBD V. Bobillier 5 TypeDescriptionSCEM Diameter [mm] Cross section [mm2] Minimum bending radius [mm]Weight Optical fiber ribbon12 fiber ribbon?2.3 * ? Power cables 01installation cable ?? Power cables 02multi wires ?? Signal cablesCAT ?? HV cables?????? What cables we would like to test :