The ELA Common Core Standards: USD 465 STARTING NOW!
Promises & Challenges of the Common Core Standards ?bckey=AQ~~,AAAAAmGjiRE~,escbD3Me8- yYQJv82Zt7vkyVqqyPTI5T&bclid= &bctid= reerready2.wmv reerready2.wmv.
The Standards As A Whole Get familiar with what the standards say and how the requirements differ from the current standards and practices.
START WITH THE STANDARDS THEMSELVES: video.aspx video.aspx /common_core_implementation_video_series.html /common_core_implementation_video_series.html Close Reading in PLCs Key Design Considerations How to Read this Document Anchor Standards for Reading Anchor Standards for Writing Anchor Standards for Speaking and Listening Anchor Standards for Language
ELA COMMON CORE RESOURCES: ELA and Literacy Shifts Professional Development Module at Introductory videos and exercises: Engage NY Treasure Hunt Through the Standards: KSDE National PTA Parents’ Guides to Student Success
TEXT COMPLEXITY Understanding the unique role of text complexity expressed in the anchor standards for reading is essential to understanding the instructional shifts we need to make.”
TEXT COMPLEXITY RESOURCES: David Liben’s ASCD Webinar: Understanding Text Complexity development/webinars/liben-webinar.aspx Student Achievement Partners – variety of resources available
ACADEMIC VOCABULARY A solid academic vocabulary is essential not only to reading complex text successfully, but also to becoming proficient at writing, speaking, and listening.”
VOCABULARY RESOURCES: Words Worth Teaching (2010) by Andrew Biemiller Articles at Text Project Academic Word List Publisher Word Study Programs Websites: Knoword, Learning Games for Kids, ABC Teach
SYNTAX Despite the importance of syntax in understanding complex text, teaching it has fallen out of fashion in the last few decades.”
SYNTAX RESOURCES: My Life Untranslated Blog: Lily Wong Filmore’s “juicy sentence” approach Teaching Basic Writing Skills by Judith Hochman Complex Texts Formal study of a foreign language
ENHANCING FLUENCY Although fluency does not guarantee comprehension, lack of fluency pretty much guarantees that students will have comprehension and stamina problems that can persist into high school.”
ENHANCING FLUENCY RESOURCES: Engage students in repeated and purposeful reading of text and listen to text being read well while they follow along actively in the text Consistently ask students to read and reread sections of a text that contain syntax and vocabulary challenges or key information Evaluate the current reading program Assessing Reading Fluency by Timothy V. Rasinski Ohio Literacy Alliance
Teachers READING ALOUD Reading aloud is a potent tool that needs to be taken seriously.”
READING ALOUD RESOURCES: Introducing Science Concepts to Primary Students Through Read-Alouds: Interactions and Multiple Texts Make the Difference by Natalie Heisey and Linda Kucan Vocabulary Development During Read-Alouds: Primary Practices by Karen J. Kindle Repeated Interactive Read-Alouds in Preschool and Kindergarten by Lea M. McGee and Judith Schickedanz
AMOUNT AND TYPE OF READING Students need to read a lot to grow their vocabulary, develop stamina, increase background knowledge, and improve fluency.”
INFORMATIONAL TEXTS: 50% in Elementary School 55% in Middle School 70% in High School Encourage more nonfiction in independent reading programs Provide newspapers, magazines, websites, and more informational texts in full-length books. Use informational texts rather than narrative fiction in guided and shared reading
INFORMATIONAL TEXTS RESOURCES: Text Project Readworks Reading A-Z Public Library School Media Specialist Online National Databases