Unlocking Potential Mobile technologies – disruptive or enabling?..well, that depends on how you do it..
Unlocking Potential ‘Top down’ mobile learning Invest significant money Manage significant investment Buy significant kit Require significant training Develop significant protocols Significantly adapt teaching approaches £ £ £ £ £
Unlocking Potential ‘Top down’ mobile Learner Tutor IT support Project management Finance & procurement Energy and effort
Unlocking Potential ‘Bottom up’ mobile learning Involve learners as co-explorers Identify pedagogical advantage Show staff how to do simple thing well Support development time creatively Support technical team as consultants Incorporate resources into assessment ? ? ? ? ? ?
Unlocking Potential ‘Bottom up’ mobile Project management Tutor / learner Energy and effort Technical support
Unlocking Potential Adding value to teaching What is teaching about….. Information? Skills? Enthusiasm? Accountability? The view of teaching may determine whether it is disrupted or enhanced…
Unlocking Potential Death by…. Handout Whiteboard OHT PowerPoint VLE Podcast Vodcast Video etc Time Learner experience Innovation Enthusiasm Obsession Embedding
Unlocking Potential Evolutionary ecology - 1 TextWeb pagesSlide showFlash cardsNumber crunchers
Unlocking Potential Evolutionary ecology - 2 Camstudio Free Clipart or Photos: Tutor presentations Video clip Learner presentations Video clip
Unlocking Potential Evolutionary ecology - 3 Audacity, Robobraille Readthewords.com Free Clipart or Photos: Tutor talk MP3 Learner talk Synthetic talk MP3
Unlocking Potential Realities and expectation What is available How useful is it for me? How easy is it to get on my mobile device? What benefits might I gain from this approach? What skills might I need to develop to work this way? Who is responsible?
Unlocking Potential Straining at the leash Supporting learners with access needs: Do I need a notetaker if the key points of the lesson are on the VLE and now on my phone? Do I need a scribe if I can record audio and photographic evidence in its place? How can they help me when they think BlueTooth is a sheep disease?
Unlocking Potential Conclusion Disruptive or enhancing depends on implementation. Staff training and learner awareness is more important than capital spends. Use what you have well before buying more. Modest sums invested where pedagogy is the driver will be more likely to succeed. Large investments only succeed where small investments have created conditions for success. Money doesn’t buy happiness in any sphere…