The Economic World Revision Notes – Question version – answer these questions to help you revise.
Primary, Secondary and Tertiary activities in MEDCs and LEDCs Define with examples the following terms; Primary activities Secondary industries Tertiary industries Quaternary industries 2. Define the phrase economic structure.
Primary, Secondary and Tertiary activities in MEDCs and LEDCs Describe and explain the economic structure of the 2 pie charts
The change PST over time for in LEDCs and MEDCs Describe how China’s economic structure has changed over time. Explain why the percentage of people working in Primary industry has changed Explain why the percentage of people working in Secondary industry has changed Explain why the percentage of people working in Tertiary industry has changed
Characteristics of farm systems Describe with examples the key characteristics of the following farming types Organic farming Intensive farming 3. Extensive farming 4. Commercial farming 5. Subsistence farming 6. Arable farms 7. Pastoral farms
The physical and human factors affecting a farmer’s choices Complete the table opposite stating how each factor can affect what type of farming a farmer will do. Try to include examples and contrasting conditions Physical factors Human factors Soils – Market – Relief – Cost of land – Climate – Tradition – Government –
Intensive wet rice farming from SE Asia (LEDC) What type of farming is this? Describe how this type of farming works, think about inputs, processes and outputs. What recent changes have affected this type of farming? What case study (example of a place) have we studied for this type of farming?
European Union Farming – Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) What is CAP? For each of the following describe how the policies worked Subsidies – Set–aside – Guaranteed prices – Quotas – Grants – 3. Can you think of the positives and negatives of this system? (for EU and non EU farmers)
Case study – Home farm near Birmingham For many years British farmers had the price of their food subsidised by government. This support is being withdrawn leaving farmers with a shortfall in their income. Our case study of this was Home farm in Birmingham. Draw a simple sketch map showing the location of this farm. Describe the physical and human factors (climate, soils etc) that affect the farm. What type of products are produced on this farm?
Case study – Home farm near Birmingham Define the term Diversification Make a list of all of the ways that Mr Redfearn who owns Home farm has Diversified. Include descriptions and how much money these schemes earn in your list.
The physical, economic and human factors affecting the location of secondary industries in MEDCS Describe how each of the following factors can influence the location of an industry; Energy Labour Capital Land Raw materials Transport Government policy Markets What factors would affect a steel industries location? Which factors are most important and why?
Identifying Industrial Location Factors from maps and photos What advantage does the A19 offer Nissan? What role did the UK government play in attracting Nissan to Sunderland? Why is this land important to Nissan? What are the local labour sources for the plant? What is the skill base of the local labour force?
Identifying Industrial Location Factors from maps and photos Describe the site and situation of the Nissan plant using both the map and aerial photograph.
Factors affecting the location of Hi-Tech Industry in MEDCs Define the term High Tech Industry. List 5 examples of high tech industries. Draw a simple sketch map of Bracknell (a region with lots of high tech industries) and its communication links. Why do firms locate in Bracknell?
LEDC industry – formal and informal industries What are the key characteristics of Formal jobs Informal jobs 2. List 5 informal jobs 3. What proportion of formal and informal jobs would LEDCs have? 4. What proportion of formal and informal jobs would MEDCs have?
TNCs What are TNCs? Write down an example of a TNC.
Factor’s attracting a TNC to an LEDC - Fiat Why did Fiat open a plant in Brazil? What advantages and disadvantages bring to LEDCs like Brazil?