Review for Greece 1. The mainland of Greece is: a. A mountainb. coastalc. a peninsulad. an island 2. Which sea does not surround Greece? a. The Mediterranean Sea c. the Aegean Sea b. the Black Sead. the Ionian Sea 3. The Greeks were excellent what? a.Farmersb. fishermenc. shipbuilders and sailorsd. architects 4. What group first settled on the island of Crete? a. Atheniansb. Mycenaeansc. Minoansd. Spartans 5. What may have led to the destruction of the Minoan civilization in the 1600’s BC? a. Earthquakeb. Volcano eruption c. a giant wave d. both b and c 6. The Greek word for city-state is: a. Acropolisb. agorac. polisd. colony
1. The word democracy comes from the Greek words meaning: a. Rule of few peopleb. Rule with forcec. Rule of the people d. Rule of men 2. The government in which a few people, the aristocrats, had power is called: a. Tyrantb. democracyc. citizens d. oligarchy 3. He is known as the “Father of Democracy”? a. Dracob. Cleisthenesc. Solond. Pericles 4. In gathering in the assemblies to vote under Cleisthenes democracy, how many people were needed? a. 600b. 60c. 200d Athens reached its height in democracy under the rule of which person? a. Periclesb. Cleisthenesc. Solond. Draco 6.In the middle 330’s BC, Athens was conquered by the: a.Egyptiansb. Macedoniansc. Persiansd. Spartans
1. A body of stories about gods and heroes that try to explain how the world works is: a. Fablesb. Mythologyc. Wise taled. epic poem 2. What was often the explanation for natural events such as earthquakes? a. Scientist researchc. The gods caused the event b. Tsunamid. Fault lines 3. The gods Hephaestus and Demeter were known to be responsible for what events? a. Volcano eruptions and the seasonsc. The seasons and earthquakes b. Volcano eruptions and tornadosd. Tornados and earthquakes 4.The oracle that most Greeks sought advice from lived at: a. Mount Olympusb. Delphi c. Athensd. Crete 5. Which of the following was not a Greek hero? a. Theseusb. Jasonc. Herculesd. Pegasus 6. The Iliad and the Odyssey were written by a poet named: a. Aesopb. Sapphoc. Homerd. Bart
1. The group that defeated the Persians at first and ruled them for about 150 years: a. the Greeksb. the Medesc. the Egyptians d. the Harappans 2. He was the first leader of the Persian Empire: a. Xerxes Ib. Darius Ic. Cyrus the Great d. Cambyses 3. This is a unit of soldiers who ride horses? a. Cavalryb. Immortalsc. archersd. navy 4. Darius divided up Persia into 20 provinces and appointed _______ to rule them. a. Governorsb. Soldiersc. his sond. satraps 5. This religion was started during Darius’s rule and taught that there were two forces fighting for control of the universe: a. Zoroastrianism b. Daoismc. Legalismd. Buddhism
1. Who created the Spartan social system after a slave revolt? a. Plutarchb. Platoc. Lycurgusd. Homer 2. How long did Spartan men stay in the army? a. 10 yearsb. 2 yearsc. 20 yearsd. 40 years 3. What two qualities did the Spartans think were the most important in a good soldier? a. Strength and quicknessc. wisdom and athleticism b. Self-discipline and obedienced. courage and youth 4. What did Spartan women have that other Greek women did not? a. Husbandsb. more rightsc. intelligenced. money 5. The Spartan government was set up to control the city’s: a. Helotsb. armiesc. womend. children 6. Athenian men joined the army for how many years? a. 10 yearsb. 2 yearsc. 20 yearsd. 40 years
1. The Peloponnesian War started because: a. Sparta was getting to powerfulc. Athens attacked Sparta b. The Trojans attacked Greeced. Athens was getting to powerful 2. After the Peloponnesian War, a. Athens was destroyed and never heard from againc. Athens navy destroyed all the other city-states b. Athens and Sparta became great allies d. Sparta became the most powerful city-state 3, The ancient Greeks valued: a. Warfare and battlec. Philosophy and art b. Farmingd. Trade 4. Philosophers were important because a. They were smart b. They challenged the explanations of events other than that the gods had done them. c. They changed the world d. They created the gods and goddess’