Today – Monday, March 18, 2013 Warm up: Simplified Radical Form Learning Target : Review concepts for Chapter 7 test CHAPTER 7 TEST ALL CH. 7 ASSIGNMENTS DUE TODAY!
Perfect Squares:
REVIEW FOR CHATPER 7 TEST: Simplified radical form Pythagorean Theorem Converse of Pythagorean Theorem (Acute, Obtuse or Right) Special Right Triangles Trig (SOH CAH TOA) Inverse Trig Angle of Elevation and Depression
CHAPTER QUIZ You have the rest of class to complete your quiz Are you prepared? Pencil? Calculator? Chapter 7 notes ONLY allowed If you finish early: Finish any missing assignments. Work on something quietly as the rest of your fellow classmates complete their quizzes. NO TALKING. STAY IN YOUR SEATS. RETURN ANY BORROWED BOOKS & CALCULATORS
HOMEWORK: If finished, work on other assignments: HW #1: Pg. 436: 3-29 odd HW #2: Pg. 444: 1-6, 8, 10, 12 HW #3: Pg. 461: 3-18 HW #4: 7.4 Special Triangles WS (Kuta) HW #5: Pg. 470: 18-20, 24-29, 31, 32 Pg. 477: 10-15, HW #6: Pg. 485: 3-8, HW #7: Angles of Elevation and Depression WS #1 HW #8: Angles of Elevation and Depression WS #2 HW #9: Angles of Elevation and Depression WS #3