Medical Science Dr Linda Lefievre -Welcome to Birmingham and our Med School -I’m LL, admission tutor for 2014-15 entry, lecturer and researcher, 3rd year undergraduate project in my lab -Will present overview of Med Sci course to enable you to make an informed choice Medical Science Dr Linda Lefievre
Medical Science How the human body functions in health and disease A science degree programme Involvement in high profile research Excellent teaching resources -Medical Science similar to other Biomedical sciences programme, 3 year course with but not yet accreditation and it is taught in Medical school NOT a Science college -Sums up programme: Med Sci is about how the human body works and what could go wrong in disease. Focus on major body systems down to cellular and molecular level --Although taught in Medical School this is course focus is of the science behind medicine -Our aim is to train future scientist that will make discoveries that can be translated into clinical practice by doctors/clinicians – so called translational science - Bham research intensive university - staff teaching (researcher)on the Med Sci course are experts in their own field (internationally recognised). Their expertise feeds into and strengthen this course -UoB is committed to excellence in teaching and has made recent investments including refurbishment in the Med School including Library and new Learning Hub, teaching/research labs facilities, invested in Learning Technologies (well equipped lecture theatre, recording, projector, visualiser), SGT room, prosectorium.
The Medical School College of Medical and Dental Sciences Focus - integrate basic science with clinical expertise -Medical science taught in Med school which is part of The CMDS and is a major international centre for research and education in medicine, medical sciences, dentistry, nursing, pharmacy and physiotherapy. -converts to research income of 60M/year -This integration from bench to bedside is possible due to the ideal location of Med School...
The Medical School Medical School Birmingham Women’s Hospital Institute of Biomedical Research New Queen Elizabeth Hospital Cancer Sciences -if look at aerial view of the Medical School is at 5 min walking distance, at the centre of all these research/clinical facilities -This is truly an ideal setting for our medical science course
Medical Science Course Structure Common course in year 1 Breadth and depth of knowledge Core modules and choices in year 2 Early specialisation End of year 2 -Year out in Industry -Summer vacation project – funds available Extensive and informed choice in year 3 Research focussed We have modified the structure of our course Y1: provides core knowledge of all major disciplines of medical science Y2: provides you with deeper learning across selected disciplines Y3: provides specialisation in scientific areas linked to our College research activities Assessment: 25 % in-course work; 75 % exam Y1 (120 cr) pass Y2 (120 cr) 25% of final mark Y3 (120 cr) 75% of final mark (research project worth 50cr) Total of 360 cr degree Projects: 10 week term, 8 weeks in summer Industry: Glaxo Smith Kline, Astra-Zeneca, Lilly, Pfizer.
Medical Science Course Structure – Final Year First semester – Choose 2 from a range of modules Infection: Bacterial Threats and Defence Viruses: Threats & Defence Cardiovascular Science (Integrative Mechanisms) Molecular and Integrative Pharmacology Cell Toxicity and Carcinogenesis Stem Cells, Differentiation and Disease Liver Cell Biology and Function in Health and Disease Molecular Medicine Neuropharmacology + Cellular Pathology Cancer Pathogenesis and Treatment New Targets and Drugs in Cancer Therapy Medical and Molecular Genetics -3rd year offers students a wide range of subjects (about 20 choices) from which to choose reflecting Y2 pathways and our research themes -All taken to a high level, and taught by experts of these fields -Choose one 5-week course from left in 1st ½ of term, + one from right Neurobiology of the Brain Cardiovascular Science (Cell Biology) Cellular Control by Hormones and Neurotransmitters Reproduction and Development Neuroscience Biology of Ageing
Medical Science Course Structure – Final Year Second Semester: Research Project – 10 weeks Choice of >100 laboratory-based projects, Novel piece of research – publishable in scientific journals Full-time – allows complete engagement Well funded £1100 One-to-one supervision Enhance problem-solving and analytical skills -aim is to develop independent thought and scientific reasoning, -opportunities to learn how to construct and test hypotheses, design experiments, analyse and interpret data and draw meaningful conclusions. -no library projects all wet projects
Medical Science Employability -Employment prospects? -snapshot - 6 month post graduation -We are doing on average better than nationally and you could notice that although last year there was a drop the number are going up with is promising -Programme therefore continues to provide strong grounding for employment in jobs that relate to the subject area taught -as we equip student with important and valuable transferable skills -group work -problem solving -independent learning -Presentation skills Note - It is possible that in general employment may reflect decline in availability of jobs nationally and as well graduate jobs - (number in graduate employment or further study ÷ total) × 100 (number in employment or further study ÷ total) × 100 From Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education (DLHE) survey result, which provides a “snapshot” at 6 months after graduation (excludes graduates taking time out or not available for employment)
Medical Science Career Destinations -Survey of >600 of our graduates since 2005 - Snap shot of 1 year post graduation -Very low rate of unemployment Further qualifications PhD correspond to about 23% (1/4) cohort Medicine/Dentistry/GEC correspond to aobut 10% (1/10) cohort - about 50% go onto study PhD many Bham -1/6 (17%) Master’s -1/4 (23%) Medicine/Dentistry, some fast tract graduate entry course (GEC) -8% teacher training Degree related -21% hospital labs -16% pharmaceutical companies -23% technician University -management -science journalism -clinical trials General -finance related (19%) -business (18%) -IT (4%) -other (59%)
BMedSc Career Destinations - Very high overall employment rate
Further Qualifications Approx. ½ of these students go on to study PhD, many at Birmingham College of Medicine supports us in attracting our best medical science students by providing funded studentships Many take Masters qualifications (approx. 1/6) - top up for careers which require additional training, e.g. environmental health. ~1/4 undertake a vocational programme , many opting for fast track (graduate-entry) route rather than the conventional 5 year route. However, this is still very competitive Our Head of College, previously Head of Cancer Sciences Institute, now a ProVC, said best PhD student he ever had was from this course.
Degree-related employment ~1/5 - ¼ of our graduates in work related to Med Sci Laboratory, admin/sales and clinical trials/data-analysis linked as theme “Biotech companies”. - reflects the range of careers options in companies such as Glaxo Smith Kline. ~¼ of our graduates in university labs as part of research teams, ~1/5 in hospital labs. May need some additional top-up training to work in areas such as Diagnostic labs. (probably just worth mentioning that we are not an accredited programme) Some students enter science journalism and others enter the NHS hospital management training scheme.
General Employment About 1/5 of our graduates work in careers not related to medical science “Other” includes some interesting alternatives – Law, Journalism, even 2 airline pilots!
Medical Science Admission Criteria Typical offer: AAB/ABB Alternative offer A2B/ROP: BBB Three A2 subjects (two sciences) Biology is advised at least to AS level Motivation to study Medical Science Invited to a ‘Medical Science’ Applicant Visit Day -Offers made would be officially AAB but we will offer ABB depending on subjects -Math, Biol, Chem, Physics -Typically on result day 90% (85 places) meet offer which leaves about 5-10% discretionary (overall application, look personal statement, previous marks and show interest in science) -If you have not studied Biology, not a requirement but will need to catch up using A-level textbook, steeper learning curve Personal statement -General interest in science -Explain motivation and knowledge of the course -Looking for a well rounded candidate, not just academic but demonstrate other interests (part time job, duke of Edinburgh, music, sport, tutoring etc) -Relevant work experience not require -Some of you may also apply for medicine/dentistry and use us as insurance so personal statement related to medicine/dentistry are acceptable, if could add again general interest in science even better…
Medical Science Summary Why study Medical Science at University of Birmingham? Focus on science behind human health and disease Very well funded and full time final year project Strong support for teaching and research Good employment prospects Personal tutoring to monitor academic progress Many opportunities for sport, music, drama, etc Student Wellbeing Service Financial aid package Medical Science lectures, tutorials and practicals are all given in one building we also have a own computer cluster containing 250 computers and medical library one of the biggest –access free online scientific journals and textbooks. – this all in one building is an advantage to many other universities
Medical Science UCAS code: B900 Admissions tutors: Dr Linda Lefievre Dr Kevin Whitehead Telephone enquiries: 0121 414 3480/3660 Email: Web Site: -Here are our details for the course and name and email address to contact admission tutor. -You can find this information on website if you go to course/Med Sci -I would be happy to answer a few questions but I would invite you to come and visit the Medical Science admission team in Ground floor of Wolfson common room by pop up stand or if you are leaving please do email us if you have any queries. Thank you!