Toys In The 1950’s Burgess Bryant
The Baby Boom!
Families Pop up everywhere They have expendable income What do they do?
Move to the Suburbs!
Now that kids are in the suburbs…what do they do!?
Golly Gee! Now that I live in the suburbs, what ever will I do for fun?
Later that night while the family sits around their brand new T.V a commercial comes on…
GEE WIZ! Can I get some of those neato toys?!
Why yes you can Billy! In fact, I think you kids have been good enough that you all get toys!
For You Billy… A Mr. Potato Head Set!
For little Sally… A Barbie!
And For Little Tommy…
Kids in the 1950s Life in the suburbs was much different than the city – Not as much to do – Confined to a smaller, more recluse area – To satisfy kids lust for adventure and fun, parents got them toys
Toys Many simple toys were invented in the 50’s that would satisfy children Toys such as – Barbie Dolls, Matchbox Cars, the Frisbee, Silly Putty and Play Doh, Mr. Potato Head, Hopalong Cassidy Guns, the Hoola Hoop, Slinky, army men, legos (etc.) Were advertised through television through programs that children liked to watch – Roy Rogers
Toys and the Perceived Role of the Family Girls played with Barbies and other dolls – Barbies showed girls what a woman should be, a house wife – Baby dolls taught girls how to take care of babies Betsy Wetsy Boys played with army men and Legos – More sophisticated toys were offered to boys that had more teaching potential Led boys to become the main provider
Post War Prosperity Allowed parents to buy toys for their children – This allowed further research into toys, making more toys to be invented and sold
Impact of the Television Allowed advertisers to reach children Also preached conformity – Made it seem like every kid had one of a certain toy
Consumerism Made families want to show their wealth by having the latest toys – Families had the money so why not spend it Hey Kids! Guess who’s wealthy! US!
Works cited from-the-1950s.html from-the-1950s.html – Matt Horvath: Info Guru, – Becky Bradley, Lonestar College-Kingwood – Rewind the Fifties