Middle School Reading
Reading Log Books Each child in the middle school has received their reading log book for the year.
Reading Log Books Guidelines on how to use these books: Reading log books must come to school every Monday in order to set the book up for the week. Must be returned to school every Friday for classroom teacher to check completed reading tasks.
Reading Log Books What do I do with the reading log book during the week? We recommend you encourage your child to develop good organisational skills and have one central location for the log book. (e.g.: Keeping it in their Home Communication Bag ensures it never gets lost and comes to school each day as part of their daily routine).
Reading Expectations What are the reading expectations of children in the middle school? Reading at least 20 minutes every day. 4 nights (Monday – Thursday) of reading recorded on the weekly log sheet. Extra reading is not required but is certainly encouraged.
4 Nights of Reading 2 nights – Students read texts at individual Lexile level. 1 night – Student free choice. 1 night – Teacher choice.
Students are encouraged to read a variety of fiction and non – fiction texts
We ask that you provide your child with different reading experiences: Reading with an adult. An adult reads to the child. Child reads Independently.
Reading Response / Activity Once a week students are expected to complete one reading response piece for one of the texts they are reading. This response piece can be done on any of the texts read throughout the week. The reading response piece must be completed by Friday so the classroom teacher can correct it. Children must not repeat any of the activities until they have completed 25 different responses.
Discussion / Questioning We encourage you to engage in discussion with your child about the texts they are reading. Asking your child questions about the text they have read helps you to gauge their level of understanding. Question Matrix.
Online texts Link on school webpage to support home reading. Grammar maniac (comics). Roald Dahl website. Storyline Online. Sunshine Online. Tumblebooks.
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