Myths & Facts 1
Myth or Fact? HIV cannot be transmitted when you go to the doctor’s office for a shot. Fact HIV cannot be transmitted when you go to the doctor’s office to get a shot because a clean, sterile, new needle is used for each person and is disposed of after each use. 2
You can become infected with HIV by attending class with someone infected with HIV. Myth You cannot become infected with HIV by sitting next to an infected classmate. Myth or Fact? 3
There is no cure for HIV or way to get the HIV virus out of the blood stream. Fact Scientists and doctors have not yet found a cure that can eliminate HIV once an infection has occurred. 4
Myth or Fact? There is a way to screen donated blood for HIV. Fact There is a way to screen donated blood to be sure it does not contain HIV. 5
Myth or Fact? You can become infected with HIV from the mouthpiece of the telephone. Myth You cannot become infected with HIV from the mouthpiece of the telephone. 6
Myth or Fact? You can become infected with HIV from a swimming pool. Myth You cannot become infected with HIV by swimming in a swimming pool. 7
Myth or Fact? HIV can be transmitted through blood. Fact HIV can be transmitted through blood. 8
Myth or Fact? You can become infected with HIV from sweat. Myth You cannot become infected with HIV from sweat. 9
Myth or Fact? Mosquitoes can transmit HIV. Myth You cannot become infected with HIV from a mosquito or bug bite. 10
Myth or Fact? You can become infected with HIV by talking to someone with HIV/AIDS. Myth You cannot become infected with HIV by talking to an infected person. 11
Myth or Fact? HIV can be transmitted by sharing contaminated needles. Fact HIV can be transmitted by sharing contaminated needles and syringes. 12
Myth or Fact? You can become infected with HIV by using a drinking fountain. Myth You cannot become infected with HIV by using a drinking fountain. 13
Myth or Fact? You can become infected with HIV from someone’s sneeze. Myth You cannot become infected with HIV from the sneeze of an infected person. 14
Myth or Fact? You cannot become infected with HIV from toilet seats. Fact HIV/AIDS cannot be transmitted through “casual contact,” i.e., talking with, eating with, sharing restroom facilities, etc. 15
Myth or Fact? No one has become infected with HIV by comforting a person with HIV/AIDS. Fact No one has become infected with HIV by working with or comforting a person with HIV/AIDS. 16