Great Britain Migration
The basic terms. Emigration: The movement of people to settle in a new place. Migration: The movement people out of an area, to a new area. Immigration: The movement of people into a new area. Immigrant: A person who moves into a new place. Migrant: A person who moves out of an area. Refugee: the forced movement of a person due to wars, fighting, natural disasters.
What are the facts? T he UK’s population around 63 million today. This figure is increasing constantly at a rate of 0.7%. The Government forecasts it will hit 70 million in per cent of this growth will be due to immigration, so what should be done? Should immigration be capped or controlled? Immigration levels are on the increase as net inflow is greater than outflow by a considerable amount.
How will migration continue into our future? Population of the UK (millions)
Immigration. What’s Changed? People living in the UK Total People 52,559,26053,550,27054,888,74457,103,33162,262,708 People Born Abroad 2,390,7592,751,1303,153,3754,301,2807,455,233 People Born Abroad as % of Total This clearly shows that the percentage of immigrants in the UK is on the increase. Since 1991, the number of immigrants has doubled, whilst population has increased. The population increase over this time period of 19 years was 7,373,964. 4,301,858 of these people were born abroad therefore 58.33% of the population increase was due to immigration. That’s a substantial figure.
So where are these immigrants from?
Here’s where….. 1.Poland 2.Lithuania 3.Romania 4.Slovenia 5.Slovakia 6.Russia 7.Estonia 8.All areas of Africa 9.Bulgaria 10. China 11. Austria 12. Japan And many other places such as the USA…
These Immigrants. Who are they? The immigrants who are coming to the UK, all have different backgrounds, and different reasons for moving. These reasons could be due to there family, jobs or there wish to have opportunity. Education and often the hope for a better quality of life are other reasons too. Unfortunately, due to wars, terror and the fear of living in danger, some migrate to the UK in fear of their lives, and their families and own well being.
Websites you should visit… facts-and-figures.thtml
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