Activities: watch film clips, team answer questions, match game, class demo, review brochure, partner-work sample list
Warm up- Why do people sometimes get sick from eating their food? What can be done to prevent this? List 3 things you think you know about bacteria.
Cleanliness Chill Cook Combat Cross-contamination
He cross-contaminated the cutting board by not washing it after having the chicken on it.
They multiply by binary fission so they are always doubling in number.
Bad, harmful bacteria that carries disease
Glucose, amino acid and vitamins and minerals– found in high-protein food
From 40 degrees to 140 degrees Fahrenheit
New generation of e coli bacteria. Bad bacteria bred with neutral good bacteria for this new type.
They use principle of competitive exclusion and spray good bacteria on chicks feathers. Chicks digest the good bacteria and it takes up space so there is no room for salmenella.
Decomposed parts of remains
Left over feed, manure, leaves, straw and hay
Danger Zone Foodborne illness The Thaw Law Sanitation Thorough cooking
Two Hour Rule Personal Hygiene Perishable Food Cross-Contamination Contaminated Food
1. Cold water with soap 2. Warm water no soap 3. Warm water with soap Additionals- Time length– Happy Birthday song vs. 3 second
With your partner, try to come up with 3 NOT behaviors for each C word. Ex. : cross contamination– don’t lick your mixing spoon and continue to stir with it!!
List 3 SPECIFIC food safety behaviors that you learned today that you did not know before. Explain why storing food at the correct temperature is so important.