TNKids Duplicate Social Security Number
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Overview The purpose of these changes to TNKids is to eliminate the entering of duplicate Social Security Numbers (SSNs) with allowances for situations where a SSN is not known. These changes and allowances are needed for the tracking of a client ’ s DCS services so full potential reimbursement to the department can occur. TNKids will confirm SSN, Legal Name and DOB against Social Security Administration (SSA) records. TNKids will alert Case Managers and Team Leaders when a client record confirmation is unsuccessful. Also the creator of an Employee or a Foster Parent record when those validations are unsuccessful. TNKids will no longer allow entry of specified “ work around ” social security numbers. EXIT
Exclusions From Social Security Number Check Changes To SSN Field New TennCare Pseudo Number (888) Duplicate SSNs SSA File Verification Changes To U.S. Citizenship Fields SSN Alerts SSN Reports Summary Table of Contents EXIT
Records marked as “Duplicate” Pre-adoptive placement records Finalized adoption placement record, (“Adoption” in the release record) CPS intakes also called CPS referral(s) Exclusions From Social Security Number Check EXIT
Changes to the SSN Field EXIT The TNKids system no longer requires a SSN to be added to an intake. The user will be required to enter the SSN before the case can be closed.
Changes to the SSN Field EXIT TNKids will not allow entry of the following in the SSN field: “888” (first 3 digits of SSN) “000” (first 3 digits of SSN) “ ” “###-00-####”
TennCare Number EXIT Since TNKids system will no longer allow work arounds: 888 numbers will now be entered into the new TennCare# field located next to the SSN field. *This is not a required field. Once the 888 number is entered, it should not be removed when the client receives his/her SSN. The 888 number is now part of the official record. TennCare# is a unique number issued by the TennCare Bureau when the social security number of a client is not known or not yet issued. This number is subject to system check and will not allow for duplicates, except for those specifically excluded from the duplicate check.
Duplicate SSN EXIT The TNKids system will check to see if the SSN is a duplicate number in the system. If the SSN is already in TNKids, the system will display a list of all person(s) having the same number. The user will need to enter the correct SSN or delete the duplicate to continue.
Duplicate SSN EXIT The TNKids system will send an to the user with a list of duplicate SSNs on the screen. After receiving the , the user can then forward the information to person(s) who need to be aware of the duplications.
Duplicate SSN EXIT When adding a client or person(s) to an intake, the system will notify the user if the person has a duplicate SSN. Any duplicate SSN will have to be resolved before the user can close the case.
SSA File Confirmation EXIT SSA submission and Response Date SSA Response SSA Error SSA Confirmation Person Data Changed Prior to confirmation? Confirmation Data To review SSA File Verification information select the Person tab, General sub-tab. Right click and chose View SSA Confirmation. SSN, First name,middle initial, last name,birth date and gender SSA SSN, First name,middle initial, last name,birth date and gender Send to SSA for another confirmation- Yes or No Do you wish to continue receiving non- confirmation alert- Yes or No The following information will display:
EXIT U.S. Citizenship The U.S. Citizen and the Legal Alien fields will now reflect more meaningful codes.
EXIT U.S. Citizenship If the user selects the U.S. Citizen values… YESNOUNKNOWN Legal Alien “Not Applicable” (cannot be changed) Defaults to “Unknown” (then user can enter yes or no) Citizenship “USA” (cannot be changed) User can manually select a value other than USA TN Resident Yes (user can manually change to No) Yes (user can manually change to No) Yes (user can manually change to Unknown) NOTE: Illegal Aliens cannot have an SSN and therefore will be excluded from TNKids Alerts and Reports.
EXIT SSN Alerts Missing Client SSN Alert – TNKids will send an alert after 21 days if a SSN has not been recorded for a client with an open intake. Excluding the following client records: Associated to a CPS Referral/Intake or with “reported” status in CPS Investigations. With a “SSN Override”. Where “Legal Alien” field is marked “No”. Which are marked as “duplicates”. NOTE: This alert is sent to Case Manager and Case Manager’s Team Leader.
EXIT SSN Alerts Non-SSA-Confirmed Client Alert – TNKids will send an alert after 21 days if a SSN was not successfully confirmed against the SSA system for a client with an open intake. NOTE: To stop SSA confirmation process, the user will see the following message “Do you wish to continue receiving non-confirmation alerts?”. Excluding the following client records: Associated to a CPS Referral/Intake or with “reported” status in CPS Investigations. With a “SSN Override”. Where “Legal Alien” field is marked “No”. Which are marked as “duplicates”. NOTE: This alert is sent to Case Manager and Case Manager’s Team Leader.
EXIT SSN Reports Missing SSN Report – Provides a list of clients without recorded SSN in TNKids with an open intake. This report has the ability to be filtered by Region, Team Leader and Days Aging. Excluding the following client records: Associated to a CPS Referral/Intake or with “reported” status in CPS Investigations. With a “SSN Override”. Where “Legal Alien” field is marked “No”. Which are marked as “duplicates”. NOTE: This report will be updated once a week.
EXIT SSN Reports Non-Confirm SSN-Open Intakes Report– Provides a list of clients with a SSN and not having a successful SSA-file- confirmation. This report has the ability to be filtered by Region, Team Leader and Days Aging. Excluding the following client records: Associated to a CPS Referral/Intake or with “reported” status in CPS Investigations. With a “SSN Override”. Where “Legal Alien” field is marked “No”. Which are marked as “duplicates”. NOTE: This report will be updated once a week.
EXIT SSN Reports SSNs Duplicated in Open Intakes Report– Provides a list of all person records (client and non-client) with duplicate SSN in associated open intakes. This report has the ability to be filtered by Region, Team Leader and Days Aging. Excluding the following client records: Associated to a CPS Referral/Intake or with “reported” status in CPS Investigations. With a “SSN Override”. Where “Legal Alien” field is marked “No”. Which are marked as “duplicates”. NOTE: This report will be updated once a week.
EXIT SSN Reports Non-Confirmed SSN-Closed Intakes Report– Provides a list of client records for closed custody and non-custody intakes for the past 12 months where TNKids and the SSA confirmation fields do not match. These fields are Legal Name, SSN, and DOB. This report has the ability to be filtered by region and statewide data. Excluding the following client records: CPS Referral/Investigations NOTE: This report will be updated once a week.
EXIT Summary The purpose of these changes to TNKids is to eliminate the entering of duplicate Social Security Numbers (SSNs) with allowances for situations where a SSN is not known. TNKids will now validate SSN, Legal Name and DOB against Social Security Administration (SSA) records and eliminate the need for work arounds. Case managers, team leaders, creators of employee or foster parent records will receive alerts when SSN confirmations are unsuccessful. In addition, the new TennCare field functionalities will help track a client's DCS services so the department can receive full potential reimbursement.