2014 User Group Meeting - Maumee Bay Lodge and Convention Center
Performance Application Security Active Directory Integration Deployment Process Supplier Information Portal
Goal: Deliver existing functionality faster Retain existing report criteria Unbounded date ranges are challenging Let the user know as soon as possible if request is too big
Files: 8383, 8385, 8483, 8485, 1601, 1270, 1370, 0701, 0102 MySQL tables: Extract_Purchase_Shipments, Extract_Sales_Shipments, Extract_Combined_Freight, Supplier_Master, Customer_Master, etc.
File Access Added index to 8685 Inventory Analysis Extract Reduced program count Scoreboard from 29 to 11 programs Streamline Code Path Refactor for MySQL and mixed MySQL/ISAM Trader Code logic Standardized on the trader at the time of the transaction
Query Limits No single query can monopolize the server Browser Display Limits Stop as soon as possible if there is too much data for the browser to display Data Chunking Allows very long date ranges by breaking into month long chunks.
Purchase Analysis Scoreboard Margin Analysis Purchase Profitability Check Pay History Commercial Position Scheduled Position Freight Analysis Driver ID Peddler Analysis Purchase Ticket Listing Top 100 Purchase History Scale Purchases Purchases By Day
Review – CRES80 Web and dl4term applications share common security Best Practice - Utilize Application Security Roles Web Release Notes Requires All Branches Allows HQ branch Allows Non Trade Branches Links between web reports
Eliminated “All Branches” requirement Validates that only authorized branch data is shown Financial Statements GL Analysis Optional “All Branches” requirement Filters branch selection to authorized branches Split orders may contain branch data not in authorized branches Order Management Brokerage Order Management
Scripted build from Mercurial Source Code Control System. All programs updated to current versions. Change Log included in deployment requests. Web Master INI files updated with each deployment.
Information Center Integration Application Security Integration Active Directory Integration for Internal SIP Export to Excel Hosting Efficiency
Information Center Integration
Application Security Integration
Active Directory Integration for Internal SIP
Export to Excel
Hosting Efficiency Multi-Tenant Reduction of Tomcat JVM Instances