Minority Representation
Some groups are under- represented 54% of Americans are female – but only 17% of Congress 8% of congress is Black 5% are Hispanic Average age for a Senator is 62
Progress More women in Congress than ever Large rise in minority representation since early 1990s, especially Black Democrat Party have come closer to fair representation of minority groups First non-white President
Still some way to go Women and ethnic minorities still under represented Gains made in 1990s have levelled off NO Blacks Republicans at all in Congress or the White House
Why are minorities under- represented? Economic reasons – it costs millions of $ to run for office Social reasons – helps to have gone to a good University (e.g. Harvard) or have family connections to people in power (e.g. George W. Bush): fewer minorities have these chances Political reasons – lack of role models to inspire people from minority groups, political apathy Discrimination – a lot of voters will only vote for someone from their own ethnic group, so even if Blacks or Hispanics run for office, racism holds them back
Voter turnout by ethnic group (%) African American API Hispanics Whites In 2008 a higher percentage of young Blacks voted than young whites and black women voted more than any other racial or gender group