ACUMEN Portfolio Workshop: Opstellen van goed en breed portfolio Paul Wouters en Inge van der Weijden Symposium Grensoverstijgende Talentontwikkeling Utrecht, 28 mei 2015
Agenda Introductie van het ACUMEN portfolio Vragen/interactie Aan de slag met eigen portfolio Mapje: slides, werkblad portfolio, flyer ACUMEN, artikel Leiden manifest
ACUMEN Portfolio Aim is to give researchers a voice in evaluation ➡ evidence based arguments ➡ shift to dialog orientation ➡ selection of indicators ➡ narrative component ➡ Good Evaluation Practices ➡ envisioned as web service expertise output influence narrative
ACUMEN Portfolio Career Narrative Links expertise, output, and influence together in an evidence-based argument; included content is negotiated with evaluator and tailored to the particular evaluation Output - publications - public media - teaching - web/social media - data sets - software/tools - infrastructure - grant proposals Expertise - scientific/scholarly - technological - communication - organizational - knowledge transfer - educational Influence - on science - on society - on economy - on teaching Evaluation Guidelines -aimed at both researchers and evaluators -development of evidence based arguments (what counts as evidence?) -expanded list of research output -establishing provenance -taxonomy of indicators: bibliometric, webometric, altmetric -guidance on use of indicators -contextual considerations, such as: stage of career, discipline, and country of residence
Portfolio & Guidelines Instrument for empowering researchers in the processes of evaluation Taking in to consideration all academic disciplines Suitable for other uses (e.g. career planning) Able to integrate into different evaluation systems
Narrative Highlight: achievements, ambitions and interests Link the three sub-portfolios together Present your self-perspective Situation dependent Not too long – Not more than 500 words
Academic age Number of year since PhD with allowances – Child care (year child was born) – Part time work – Working outside academia – Special allowances illness, disability (at the discretion of the portfolio owner)
Expertise Categories Scientific/scholarly Knowledge transfer Educational expertise Technological expertise Communication Organizational expertise How? Write a few sentences briefly summarizing your specific expertise Include evidence to support your claim, such as citing a paper, project, or a contract in which you used it Provide examples; list the most prominent ones <3
Output Categories Scholarly output Communication with the general public Teaching Web and social media academic communication Datasets, software, tools, instruments Output with registered intellectual or industrial rights Funding & grants How? List the top 3 in each category
Influence Categories Influence of science e.g. publications; citations; invited talks; prizes & awards; editorship & editorial-board membership; conference/program committee memberships; followers; mendeley readers Influence on society e.g. web/press coverage, tweets or blog posts about publications; committee memberships; specialist evidence given; laws, regulations, guidelines Influence on economy e.g. 3rd stream income; consultancy or advisory positions for companies; patents; spin off companies created Influence on education/teaching e.g. teaching awards, number of views of presentations on slidehare, youtube, vimeo, online learning environments; online syllabuses or course notes pages listing the academic’s works; sales of student textbooks; invited lectures to undergraduates at other universities; downloads of datasets or applications created by the portfolio owner How? Total numbers List the top 3
Portfolio - summary The portfolio is modular. Consider only: – Items relevant for you – Relevant for the specific evaluation The aim of the portfolio is to provide a holistic view of your expertise, output and influence This version of the portfolio is built to supplement the traditional CV A slightly different portfolio could serve as a replacement or as a tool to create an extended CV
Vragen/Interactie 1. Wat is je intuïtieve reactie op het ACUMEN portfolio? 2. Welke ACUMEN items/onderdelen spreken je aan? 3. Welke ACUMEN items/onderdelen hebben onderzoekers normaliter niet in hun CV staan, en zouden ze wel kunnen toevoegen? 4. Zou je het ACUMEN portfolio willen gaan gebruiken in je organisatie?
Meer informatie Paul Wouters: Inge van der Weijden: