Impact of the new financial infrastructure to development of economy Moscow, Russia, 10 September 2012 ITU Workshop on “ICT Innovations in emerging economies”
2 Companies provide services to all segments of the population low-income people middle class people upper middle class people average incomenetwork nature of the services middle cost services high cost services low cost services
3 The average amount of the payment CountryARPU Russia$4 Russia (Moscow)$10 Russia (Regions)$3 Ukraine$2,5 India$1,1$1,1 Central Asia$1 A new economy needs a less costly financial infrastructure to collect micropayments
4 Payment Technologies
5 Organizational scheme of payment Banks Retail Pharmacies Post Gas stations Mobile shops Terminal holders Telephone operators Internet providers TV Tickets Repayment of loans Utilities Affiliate Network Service Providers
6 The main components of efficiency Automation of all processes from receiving payments to financial clearing between partners; Low cost of first connection for a new partner to CyberPlat; Lower support costs of participation in the reception of payments using CyberPlat; Providing for partners turnkey solutions and software components; A large number of supported hardware: payment terminals, cash, POS, ATMs; The high speed and reliability transaction`s processing; Using electronic documents with partners.
7 Supported Hardware and Technologies cash register Internet terminals 3G, GPRS, dial-up open API bank`s systems PC POS terminal mobile
8 Process of Payment to Recharge Mobile Account
9 Reliability and safety RSA Internet SSL Information Security: Reliability of the technical platform: main DATA Centerreserved DATA Center main channel reserved channel Internet Financial liability of IT-staff:
10 Payment Book Telephone operators Internet providers TV Tickets Repayment of loans Utilities Service Providers Registration Payments Payment Book Subscriber Save payment pattern; Auto payments; Payments from linked credit card or mobile; Save the change on balance Payment Book. Service is efficient even for payments less than $1
11 Turnkey solutions CyberPlat Transfer the change on phone Parking pay SaaS micro payment Insurance policy as a check
12 Social Mission Bridging the Digital Divide More then 50% payments in the system of CyberPlat do not exceed $3 Payment`s distribution in Russia
13 Contact information Sergey Tarasov, Senior Project Manager, CYBERPLAT OJSC Address:Floor 12, Entrance 7, World Trade Center, Moscow, , Russia Telephone:+7 (495) Fax:+7 (495) Internet: