HEARTSAVER - CPR TRAINING Anne Finney Independence High School San Jose, CA
Heartsaver - CPR Training My name is Anne Finney, I am a physical educator at Independence High School. My web site is: http: ctap295.ctaponline.org/~finneya/ My This is a three week course designed for a co-ed tenth grade class of approximately thirty students. The site is designed for students who are not in class and/or need more practice on the activities taught during the day.
EXPECTATIONS Learn to use a variety of computer skills for classroom use Learn to use the internet and make a web page create web page lessons for the students
Outcomes I learned: Powerpoint Excel Linking pages and projects Inserting images and text
Successes Great way to provide a lesson for a student absent from class Students more willing to do make-up work with technology Students found visual learning more engaging than text Nice way to keep students engaged in material
Shortcomings Lack of computer access for students in the classroom Lack of available computers for students Lack of trained, available staff to supervise student use Difficulty in coordinating physical activity and computer use
Student Data All students performed better on the post test, but I do not believe the use of technology was the causal effect.
Revisions After reviewing the data and conversing with students, I realized that this type of learning tool is only valuable if: the school will provide easy access classrooms for students in physical education. Physical education is given a classroom or lab area within close proximity to the activity area of the class so there is supervision for the entire class This is more valuable as a practice or review option for students--proctoring and support was not possible in my current arena.
Summary This project was geared for teachers with higher level computer skills than I. The process was good, but the students did not really benefit from the technology, but rather it was an exercise for me, the teacher to learn the potential of the use of technology for use in the classroom. Students enjoyed the new learning tool, but the students did not really benefit, other than having the opportunity to learn or practice class activities without actually being in the classroom for the lesson.